Monday, April 15, 2024

Moody Monday: Ten Things To Be Grateful For This Week

  1.  I continue to have great walks, about an hour a day, with the spring weather most often outside in a variety of surroundings. 
  2. My sweet bear, 30-odd years and we still find new things to talk about and laugh about. (Some of the years are odder than others.) 
  3. A reasonable degree of security in life. 
  4. Each day, there are no guarantees, another one of my high school classmates died, his family posted photos on Facebook, I haven't aged all that bad 
  5. Easy access to great public transit, we went into the city for lunch the other day, and it was so nice to sit back and ride. 
  6. My blogging friends, you are my daily wake-up ritual. 
  7. Good health insurance, I had prescriptions renewed the other day and my out of pocket cost was $12 for a three month supply. (The first time since my insurance coverage changed this year.) 
  8. Time, my time is my own.  
  9. Being free of the bureaucracy, it is budgeting season at my former employer - I am so glad I never face that process again. 
  10. Being me.  I am who I am, shaped by my life experiences, flawed, a work in progress, moving forward everyday.
So how is my mood?  Good, very good.  And still adjusting to my new normal.  


  1. A happy post of gratitude.

  2. It's good to hear your mood is very good. While I slipped into retirement very easily, it does take time to adjust your brain that what you have is what you have, and I am now probably unemployable.
    I suppose if you can afford good health insurance, it is quite good. I read so many sob stories of people even with health insurance where the company's policy is to maximise profit rather than ensure best medical care.

    1. Our system of paying for health care stinks.

  3. Taking things for granted is not a good way to go. Every so often we should pause, as you have done, to thank our lucky stars.

  4. We often overlook the simple things, and take them for granted. Yes, be grateful indeed.

  5. Nice post; we all need to take the time to remind ourselves of the good things in our lives.

    1. It is not what happens in life, but what we think about it that makes us happy or not.

  6. Gratitude and happiness go hand in hand!

  7. Good morning, happy is good!

    1. I am going to make it to Dayton this year.

  8. That is a wonderful list! Enjoy!

    1. Thanks, enjoy the desert sun today.

  9. I'm glad you are so happy and grateful about it, too! Lovely post!

    1. Thanks, a good Monday and a good week.

  10. Me, personally I love being a good mood.
