Sunday, February 04, 2024

The Sunday Five: Music

1: Do you own vinyl and turntable? 
2: Do you have a reel-to-reel tape recorder? 
3: Have you ever owned an 8-track tape player? 
4: Do you own a cassette tape player?
5: How many CDs do you own? 

My answers:
1: Do you own vinyl and turntable? No we parted with the last of it, when we sold the second house. 
2: Do you have a reel-to-reel tape recorder? Never have, often wanted to. 
3: Have you ever owned an 8-track tape player? Back in the 70's. 
4: Do you own a cassette tape player? I bought a new one recently, I have a few cassette that I wanted access to.
5: How many CDs do you own? Probably 300 of them. And the CD changer in my little car broke last fall.  

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1. Records sold, given away and thrown out, Sansui turntable sold for a nice sum.
    2. No and never did.
    3. No, but I remember some people had them in their cars.
    4. Yes, our cd player/radio/cassette player still sits on a shelf under our tv. I recently checked and the cassette player still works. The cd sits vertically when in the unit and there is a pretty blue lighting, popular at the time...and still to be seen in newer machines.
    5. Maybe forty. It is years since any have been played.

    1. You were lucky to have skipped 8tracks

  2. 1: Do you own vinyl and turntable? No. I regret giving away all the vinyl.
    2: Do you have a reel-to-reel tape recorder? Gave that to charity shop year ago.
    3: Have you ever owned an 8-track tape player? Never
    4: Do you own a cassette tape player? Ditto, charity shop.
    5: How many CDs do you own? Over 400. All catalogued.

    1. I haven't catalogued anything,

  3. 1: Do you own vinyl and turntable? No, not for a very long time.
    2: Do you have a reel-to-reel tape recorder? No
    3: Have you ever owned an 8-track tape player? No, but my dad did.
    4: Do you own a cassette tape player? Yes, one in the house and one in the car.
    5: How many CDs do you own? Probably around 50. I used to have many, many more but transfered my music to an iPod years ago and got rid of many of them.

    1. I loaded all of my CDs onto PCs over the years, and lost the files in hard drive crashes and software changes, I am glad I kept the CDs.

  4. 1. I have a portable record player and a few LPs and 45s I saved when I otherwise got rid of all my vinyl.
    2. Never had a reel-to-reel.
    3. Never had an 8-track.
    4. I got rid of all my cassettes. I no longer have a cassette player either.
    5. I haven't counted them lately, but I probably have 200+ CDs. I haven't switched over to digital music yet and probably won't at this late stage of the game.

    1. I listen to a lot of streaming music.

  5. 1) I gave my turntable to one of my sons who loves music. Several of my kids have bought turntables recently. I have one record - the first I ever got - Ricky Nelson!
    2) No
    3) Can't remember.
    4) No
    5) I have a few CDs as my old car has a CD player.

    1. I wish I had kept a couple of the LPs.

  6. 1. Yes, but it's packed away in the basement.
    2. I inherited one from my father, but I got rid of it in the 2nd to last move.
    3. Never owned an 8 track, though one used car came with a player.
    4. I own a DUAL cassette player - packed away in the basement.
    5. CDs? Maybe around 600. packed away in the basement. All are ripped to a separate drive.

  7. Do you own vinyl and turntable? No. I wish I would have kept a few of the albums.
    Do you have a reel-to-reel tape recorder? No
    Have you ever owned an 8-track tape player? Yes.
    Do you own a cassette tape player? No
    How many CDs do you own? Just a handful. My kids had a lot and when we moved, I gave those CDs to them. Don't know what they did with them.

  8. I should pull all of my cds together in one place

  9. : Do you own vinyl and turntable? I have some old records (why?) but nothing to play them on.
    2: Do you have a reel-to-reel tape recorder? no.
    3: Have you ever owned an 8-track tape player? Oh I remember these.
    4: Do you own a cassette tape player? Yes - still works too!
    5: How many CDs do you own? they are all in a large trunk. I suspect 100s.

    1. So much music, yearning to be heard.

  10. My answer would be all zero and no on last one.

    1. A collection you have avoided.

  11. 1. Got rid of my turntable some years ago and gave all my LP's to a record store.
    2. Used to have a reel-to-reel but not since the 80's.
    3. Yes but long in the past.
    4. Yes, a couple of them, including a mini, along with hundreds of old cassettes.
    5. Maybe 100 but I almost never play them.

    1. I had a mini-cassette recorder - wonder where it is?

  12. 1: Do you own vinyl and turntable? Yes..I have LPs and 45s
    2: Do you have a reel-to-reel tape recorder? No.
    3: Have you ever owned an 8-track tape player? My pop had one when I was younger.
    4: Do you own a cassette tape player? I do.
    5: How many CDs do you own? Only a small handful of Christmas CDs (for office parties) and a few homemade mixes we've had forever. We switched to digital music eons ago.

