Sunday, February 11, 2024

Sunday Five: Reading Materials

Random "Little Library" free book exchange.

1: How many books are you in the process of reading? 
2: How many books do you hope to read this year? 
3: Do you have a current library card? 
4: E-books, print books, or both? 
5: What book have you read the most times? 

My answers: 

1: How many books are you in the process of reading? Three
2: How many books will I read this year? About 100 at the current pace, my goal is 50.
3: Do you have a current library card?  I do now. 
4: E-books, print books, or both?  Both 
5: What book have you read the most times? Walden 

Please share your answers in the comments.     


  1. How many books are you in the process of reading? 1 but three in the queue.

    How many books do you hope to read this year? Who knows.

    Do you have a current library card? Yes...but havent used it in some time. But I do take books I read that I know I won't read again and donate them to the library. They happily take them

    E-books, print books, or both? Print books. I spend enough time looking into lit screens.

    What book have you read the most times. Quentin Crisp's The Naked Civil Servant

    1. Something to add to the reading list.

  2. 1. Just one but I have had two on the go in the past.
    2. I don't hope to read any books. I read books as I do. I turn off books at times and turn them back on other times.
    3. I have three library cards but it is a couple of years since any of them being used.
    4. E-books for me.
    5. The Cousin from Fiji. Darcy's strong legs excited me at a young age. The mother falling into a train loaded with boxes of new dresses and hats sounded like my mother, depending on the kindness of strangers. Uncle George raising a finger tip to acknowledge someone he knew who was passing by his horse and cart.

    1. Some libraries offer e-books here. I have not done that yet.

  3. 1. 2 in process. 2 on deck.
    2. No goal. Two per month would be good and achievable.
    3. I do. Two. One for Cleveland Libraries, one for Cleveland Hts / Shaker Hts Libraries.
    4. Print.
    5. Catcher in the Rye.

    1. Print is still about 60% of the book market.

  4. 1. None at the moment.
    2. I seem to rarely read an actual book any more.
    3. Yes, I have a library card which I don't use. I believe it's still valid.
    4. I can only read the enlarged print of e-books now. Print books are useless to me.
    5. Most read books -- probably a toss up between Lord of the Rings trilogy and Watership Down.

    1. It is nice to be able to change the type size, I sometimes use text to speech

  5. 1. I only read one at a time.
    2. I've never counted!
    3. YES! I love my library.
    4. Print books only.
    5. I read mysteries usually but I don't read a book over and over.

    1. There are only a few I have read more than once.

  6. 1: How many books are you in the process of reading? Four
    2: How many books do you hope to read this year? I don't really count them.
    3: Do you have a current library card? No
    4: E-books, print books, or both? Print books
    5: What book have you read the most times? The Magus, by John Fowles. I've read it at least 3 times and I still don't quite get it. I hadn't thought about that book in a long time.

    1. My list of books read will post on December 28th, I am already drafting that post.

  7. #1: Only one book and I've been at it for a couple of years. I just dip into it from time to time so I suppose that can't even be called "reading".
    #2: Like Sharon, I don't keep track.
    #3: Yes.
    #4: Print books.
    #5: I'm not sure but I think it might be "A Moveable Feast" by Hemingway.

    1. I read the first chapter of "The Old Man and The Sea"

  8. 1: How many books are you in the process of reading? I am reading three.
    2: How many books do you hope to read this year? at least 20
    3: Do you have a current library card? I just renewed it last weekend
    4: E-books, print books, or both? Printed please
    5: What book have you read the most times? Phantom Tollbooth

    1. Always reading, always learning

  9. I guess my response was sent to Trump...I mean - Spam!

    1. Sorry, I can't find it. Sometimes Blogger eats things.
