Monday, August 19, 2019


I was raised in Michigan, where you couldn't put a shovel in the ground without hitting a rock or ten.  Mostly conglomerates of granite, limestone, slate and quartz left by glaciers after the last ice-age.  From there I moved to Florida, where there are no rocks, a few limestone formations but they are in odd out of the way places, most of the state is a gigantic sandbar waiting to be washed back into the sea.  

Last month we visited the Washington Coast, I am always taken by rocks and ocean.  The rocks washed and ground flat and smooth by econs of ocean action.  Yes, I brought home a small bag of rocks.  

What are the rocks like where you live?      


  1. I know many people who have rocks in their heads! (snark)

    rocks here are not smooth; they are pieces of broken mountains.

    1. I thought about rocks in my head when I posted this.

  2. We’re on a Sandy beach where the boulders were brought in. But some beautiful Rocky Mountains nearby.

    1. One of the things I like about the west coast of the US, the the beach and mountains being near one another.

  3. We've got lots of rocks in Canada, especially in the Rocky Mountains and the Canadian Shield, which is just one big rock.

    1. I need to spend more time in Canada

  4. "Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me." Rock on, dude! I never really notice rocks until I step on a sharp one in bare feet (me not the rock), and that's only if gravel counts as rock. There is an odd sound when I shake my head sometimes. It's probably marbles instead of rocks.

    1. We found my mothers marbles when we were cleaning out the house, in a box

    2. @deedles - I remember that song!

    3. @Anne Marie-"At the end of my rainbow, lies a golden oldie, woo woo!" or something like that :) A person can really feel old while listening to that song and recognizing all of the references.

  5. I love rocks, which is inspired by name. I have lots wherever I am and when I am out and about I am looking at them. There are lovely rocks here in AZ, some of them quite red.

  6. I have collected rocks since I was a child. Usually bring back a small rock from my travels. I started off displaying them in jars, but when my collection outgrew that and I had my own house I made a rock garden. Just the lot casually strewn in a corner of my yard.

    1. Each one tells a story

    2. If your rocks are telling you stories, you may need help, David! At least that's what my nonexistent therapist told me.

  7. We have sandy beaches here......with the odd small well worn stone....

    1. Worn smooth by the ages, are the best
