Monday, August 12, 2019

Paula Wanted to Know

Paula, Jay's oldest brother's wife, wanted to know what the convertible looked like with the top up.  I have several pictures of the car with the top down, but none with the top up, so I asked Jay to take a short video of me putting the top down.  It are a lot of moving parts, I have had more than one kid scream "Transformer" at me when I was opening or closing the top in a parking lot.  

I am very much enjoying it.  I like driving it with the top down, it is a small car that is fun to drive and has great visibility. 

It finally has a permanent parking sticker for the condo, I unknowingly broke one of the parking rules by having more cars than drivers in the condo.  My appeal to the board was unsuccessful.  The best they would agree to was a temporary reprieve, with instructions on a loophole in the rules (I have read the rules and I can't find this loophole, but they tell me it must be there, they have always done it this way.) If I bought or leased a garage parking space, I could have a third sticker.  Enter a neighbor in poor health who was having "difficulties" getting her car in and out of the garage - difficulties like backing into other cars, scraping on the walls, parking in the wrong space, and a space came available for lease.  Now she still has her car, she is parking out back in the open lot, where the spaces are wider and no one is parked behind her, and no one cares what space she is in. 

Do you prefer coupe or topless?  


  1. coupe; I go topless around the house only! (wink wink)

    1. As long as we don't scare the neighbors

    2. gurl, these jahoobies would frighten godzilla!

  2. After reading this, it's occurred to me that I've never driven a convertible. I've ridden in a few as a passenger, and loved it! I like the way your car looks with the top down.

    1. It is fun to look up and see the sky! The video isn't working! Every balding fat man should own at lease one convertible.

    2. Yep. It must be exhilarating to feel the wind blowing through one's hair (singular), heh. With BH, it would be an ear hair, maybe nose :)
