Saturday, March 08, 2025

The Saturday Morning Post: 50 states in 52 Weeks Georgia

Georgia is on the Atlantic coast, in the far southeast of the United States. Passing through Georgia is almost required to get to and from Florida.  My first visit there was before my memory, visiting grandparents in Florida one winter when I was about 3 years old. We started going to Florida every year when I was in the 8th grade. Georgia was the longest state to drive through from north to south. Interstate Highway I-75 passes through the state the long way. I-95 on the east side, is about half the distance. 

Savannah Georgia is a port city, about half way down the state.  I first visited there when I was driving my grandmother between the farm in Michigan and her home in Florida in the late 1970s.  Savannah became a favorite weekend getaway spot when I lived in central Florida. It was 4-5 hour drive.  Savannah was one of the first cities in the USA to deeply embrace historic preservation, triggered by the building of a very ugly, utilitarian parking garage on one the city squares.  I bought a rug from Jim Williams, the guy who was accused of murder in the book "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" a few years before the events and the book made Savannah a travel hotspot.  His brother Jerry operated an antique importing business down on the waterfront, I have half a dozen leaded glass windows I bought from him one day.  

Atlanta is headquarters for Delta Airlines.  When we lived in Lexington Delta was the dominant carrier.  I probably changed planes in Atlanta 50 times in 10 years.  We joked that you couldn't go to hell from Lexington without changing planes in Atlanta, and Atlanta was close enough to hell to be the same thing.  

Georgia, a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. 



  1. I’ve been through Georgia on the way to Florida and have been in Atlanta for several days of business. My English brother-in-law fell in love with Savanna and said it was his favorite city of any he’d visited in the United States.

    1. I have had a couple of conferences downtown Atlanta, it is a nice conference city, and there is a subway line that runs to the airport.

  2. Yes, Hartsfield-Jackson is one hell of an airport. We were in Atlanta for the 1996 Olympics and missed the bombing at Centennial Olympic Park by 1 hour.

    1. The long concourses, without moving sidewalks can be a real challenge.

  3. I could live in Savannah but not Atlanta. Oy, that traffic!

    1. Savannah is wonderful, I prefer to be farther away from hurricane season.

  4. "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" was a great book! I saw the movie too.

    1. It is a neat city filled with interesting people.

  5. I haven't spent much time in Georgia at all however we did drive through peanut country on one trip with my parents. I've always wanted to visit Savannah.

  6. I've probably been through Georgia but I don't remember it!

    1. I have been a few places I wish I could forget.
