Monday, March 10, 2025

Monday Moods: Breathe in, Breathe out, Move on

So how am I doing? No one dropped a bomb on my house last week, no monsters pounced on me and tried to eat me. So I am doing kind of okay. 

Sometime in the past couple of years, I read or heard someone talking about, breathing in deeply to an eight count, then slowly out to an eight count, repeat for a couple of minutes, and you will calm down. Your blood pressure will go down.  Hey it worked for me on my latest doctors appointment. 

The Supreme Court ruled against the White House on USAID funding for work that is already done or underway.  It was a five to four decision, with one of HWSNBN's justices voting with the majority. Even more telling the four others dissented not on the merits; but on procedural issues (if the case was appealable.) I would need to know more to have an opinion of the procedural question.  

In the meantime, I will turn the wise words of the Bard. 


  1. What voices! Jimmy Buffet’s still has that beautiful quality. Great advice.

  2. Sorry David but I still cannot exorcise The English teacher within me. In your title, "breath" should be "breathe".

  3. I can attest to the 8 count breathing exercise because it worked for me.

    In November 2015 I was on a plane in DC headed back to South Carolina after flying home from Oregon.
    The presidential election was the day before and as I flew overnight I avoided the results. In the Dulles Airport I avoided the news channels and the papers for fear of what they might say, and then I saw it: The Felon I had one.
    I was shocked, but to make matters worse, I was traveling home on a smaller plane where I had to stoop down the aisle and then right as we pulled away from the gate we stopped for an "electrical" situation. I was about to panic ... small space ... racist in the White House ... no air circulating ... so I did the eight count in, the eight count hold and the eight count exhale.
    And not only did I not run screaming for the exits and make the elap to the tarmac, I also didn't kill anyone sitting near me.
    So, yeah, 8 counts work!

    1. It is a good day, when no felonies are committed.

  4. That's certainly a visually disturbing, but accurate, artistic portrayal of women's controlled sexuality, lack of reproduction freedom and access to abortion. And yes, that slow breathing technique triggers what is known as "the relaxation response" -- very effective.

    1. I thought the work of art, captured the feelings of many people right now.

  5. I've used that 8 count method before and it works. I'm sure I'll be using it again....almost daily these days.

  6. This teach something similar to my grandsons at school to help kids calm down.

  7. We all need to use that eight count. And what a joy to see and hear Jimmy Buffett again.

  8. Wonder whether or not it works for dancers. As soon as they hear 5, 6, 7, 8 they're off!

    Will Jay

  9. "No one dropped a bomb on my house last week, no monsters pounced on me and tried to eat me. "
