Sunday, March 10, 2024

Sunday Five: Courtesy

 Signs often catch my eye, this one inspired this weeks Sunday five. 

1: Do people talk in public on phones where you live? 

2: Do people play music in public without headphones where you live? 

3: Do you smell pot smoke in public places where you live? 

4: Do people smoke tobacco in public where you live? 

5: Are most people nice to you where you live? 

My answers: 

1: Do people talk in public on phones where you live?  Seldom, but it does happen. 

2: Do people play music in public without headphones where you live? Seldom, and when it does happen it is usually a very young person. 

3: Do you smell pot smoke in public places where you live? Annoyingly yes. 

4: Do people smoke tobacco in public where you live? Almost never, I don't know where they smoke. 

5: Are most people nice to you where you live? For the most part yes, they may not acknowledge that you exist, but they are not rude.  

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. Do people talk in public on phones where you live? Yes. But lately I don't notice as many doing it.

    Do people play music in public without headphones where you live? Not very frequently, no

    Do you smell pot smoke in public places where you live? Not near my house per say, but in downtown Harrisburg ,on some streets, you could get a high just driving by.

    Do people smoke tobacco in public where you live? Only outside by some of the bars or clubs.

    Are most people nice to you where you live? I'd give that yes. Must be the weed. I met several people who started talking to me from out of town at the farmers market today. Everyone some seemed chatty today.

  2. 1: Do people talk in public on phones where you live? Yes, all the time,
    2: Do people play music in public without headphones where you live? Yes, but thankfully not as much as they talk.
    3: Do you smell pot smoke in public places where you live? At times.
    4: Do people smoke tobacco in public where you live? Argh! Yes.
    5: Are most people nice to you where you live? Absolutely.

    1. More public smoking there than here

  3. 1. Yes. Sometimes I'd like to live in the US and be able to carry a gun. This speaking on a phone in public is so unacceptable in so many countries.
    2. Generally not, except for those with psych issues who like to cycle or walk around carrying a boom box, or a modern loud Bluetooth speaker connected to their phones.
    3. No but we have found some dropped party drugs.
    4. Minimal public smoking. Our tobacco smoking rate is so low, but vaping is another story.
    5. Oh yes, everyone is perfectly pleasant in a 30 second lift trip. Most people say hello in the lift but if they don't lift their eyes from their phones in the lift, I don't say hello.

    1. I didn't ask about phone behaviour in public.

    2. "1: Do people talk in public on phones where you live?" I'm confused...

  4. 1: Do people talk in public on phones where you live? Yes. So annoying. The worst is when there's a disagreement between boyfriend and girlfriend or spouse and the f-bomb is flying.
    2: Do people play music in public without headphones where you live? Sometimes.
    3: Do you smell pot smoke in public places where you live? Yes.
    4: Do people smoke tobacco in public where you live? It's tapered off significantly but vaping is popular. Vaping is restricted in a lot of public areas now.
    5: Are most people nice to you where you live? Yes, they are.

  5. 1: Do people talk in public on phones where you live? Yes. It's annoying because they all seem to be talking louder than normal, too.

    2: Do people play music in public without headphones where you live? Not too much.

    3: Do you smell pot smoke in public places where you live? South Carolina???? Not a chance.

    4: Do people smoke tobacco in public where you live? South Carolina???? Of course they do.

    5: Are most people nice to you where you live? Yes. I give Camden, and South Carolina, props for people being very nice.

    1. I was out the other day for a walk, and kept seeing people talking on speaker phone in public, I was thinking WHAT?

  6. 1. Yes, and at first I would think they were talking to me but now I know better.
    2. No
    3. No
    4. No
    5. Yes. I smile or wave and often get a response.

  7. 1. Yes. I mean, who actually uses the phone to TALK to people???
    2. Very very rarely.
    3. A lot. And that was before it was legal in Ohio. All bets are off now.
    4. Oh yeah. It's Ohio.
    5. In our 'hood we have great folks. Overall, I think Cleveland has mostly good meaning peeps.

    1. There are some wonderful people from Cleveland and Solon

  8. 1. People have been talking on phones in public since the suckers were invented. It's annoying as hell!
    2. Only in cars driven by future deaf youngsters.
    3. I smell pot whenever I forget and leave something cooking on the stove. Is that what you mean?
    4. I don't really do public, but I've run into one or two idiots. I always cough.
    5. Most people are nice to me and Balder Half. The Palestinian couple across the street have a different experience. They asked us to keep an eye on their house while they went to visit family in Arizona. Nobody else would give them the time of day. He figured since we are Black, we would understand. We do. Such friendly people, too. They give us bags of fruit from their trees. The little oranges are great. I have no idea what to do with persimmons though.

    1. I'd have to Google what to do with a persimmon

  9. 1: Do people talk in public on phones where you live? Way too often.
    2: Do people play music in public without headphones where you live? Sometimes but, not as often as 20 years ago.
    3: Do you smell pot smoke in public places where you live? No
    4: Do people smoke tobacco in public where you live? Outside only.
    5: Are most people nice to you where you live? Yes, mostly

    1. Interesting how public smoking varies.

  10. 1: Do people talk in public on phones where you live? Yes, and it annoys the living hell out of me.

    2: Do people play music in public without headphones where you live? Yes, and it annoys the living hell out of me.

    3: Do you smell pot smoke in public places where you live? Yes, and it annoys the living hell out of me.

    4: Do people smoke tobacco in public where you live? Yes, and it annoys the living hell out of me.

    5: Are most people nice to you where you live? No, and it annoys the living hell out of me.


  11. 1: Do people talk in public on phones where you live? Yes they do. It's like another pandemic.
    2: Do people play music in public without headphones where you live? No. I cannot say that that has ever been a problem in this neighbourhood.
    3: Do you smell pot smoke in public places where you live? No I cannot say that I have ever smelt it round here.
    4: Do people smoke tobacco in public where you live? Occasionally I notice that but here in England only 13% of adults smoke cigarettes.
    5: Are most people nice to you where you live? Yes. This suburb of Sheffield is friendly and generally polite. People try to get on with one another.

    1. Sounds like a nice place. Many fewer smokers than a couple of decades ago.

  12. oh this one hits a nerve.
    1: Do people talk in public on phones where you live? Yes, loudly as if they are the only ones around.

    2: Do people play music in public without headphones where you live? The street musicians do - usually off key.

    3: Do you smell pot smoke in public places where you live? Not much happily.

    4: Do people smoke tobacco in public where you live? Even less but then I don't go to places likely to happen.

    5: Are most people nice to you where you live? I would say overall no.
