Monday, March 25, 2024

Moody Monday: Looking at the World

As time goes by in this new normal for me, I am looking at the world in new ways. 

I am comfortable with staying up a little later, and sleeping a little later.  I find myself reading blogs, and writing a little, until 10:00 or 11:00 in the morning and feeling fine with that. 

I am exploring new places, finding new parks. 

I am feeling stronger, climbing hills is getting easier, though my knees are not getting any younger.  

I find myself feeling grateful for all that I have. 

I am planning for the future, maybe too much, when will I be home? I am doing things I want to do, while I am able to go and do. I know that someday travel will become more difficult, and someday will end.  

I wonder what will be the last great adventure.  I don't know, but I will do everything I can to make it comfortable and fun. 

So how is my mood? Better, very good for the most part.   


  1. Great to see how well you seem to have transitioned.

  2. The last great adventure will be riding up to heaven on a "comfortable and fun" golden chariot pulled by a team of angels. And there, at the gate, St Peter will be waiting for you ready to cross-examine you and to weigh up the goodness you have done alongside the badness. I suspect that it is touch and go if you will be allowed in.

    1. Do I get to bring along my attorney?

    2. We must all represent ourselves in the final analysis.

  3. I told you that you would enjoy retirement!

  4. I'm not retired but everything you're doing sounds to me like you're doing it right. Who say you have to get up early or being doing something every minute.

    1. Somehow I think your retirement will be more active in some ways. :)

  5. Sounds like retirement is suiting you just fine. That's a wonderful thing.

  6. You have adjusted quicker than I did but I am getting there.
    I like when I am out for a walk and discover a little bit of nature that I hadn't noticed before. I really feel delighted when that happens.

    1. We have time to see the familiar in new ways.

  7. It sounds like you are off to a great retirement start. Activity is the key I think.
