Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sunday Five - A Day at the Beach

Growing up my family only went to the beach a handful of times. Part of that was living in Michigan, though we were only 40 miles from the beaches of Lake Huron (Unsalted and Shark Free.)  It is the peak of summer, so the Sunday Five is about a day at the beach. 

1: Do you prefer a sunny day or overcast day at the beach? 
2: Sandy shore or rocky coast? 
3: Being alone, or having a nice crowd? 
4: Do you go to the beach and then sit in the shade? 
5: Do you enjoy long walks, or sitting and watching the waves and the people? 

My answers: 
1: Do you prefer a sunny day or overcast day at the beach? This has changed for me over the years, overcase and warm. 
2: Sandy shore or rocky coast? Rocky coasts intrigue me. 
3: Being alone, or having a nice crowd? Leave me alone! 
4: Do you go to the beach and then sit in the shade? No, in the sun if there is sun. 
5: Do you enjoy long walks, or sitting and watching the waves and the people?  Long walks. 

Your answers in the comments please. 


  1. 1: (sings) sunny day, sweeping the clouds away...

    2: sandy shore

    3: being alone

    4: I have

    5: sitting and watching the waves and the people

  2. I am not a beach person at all.

  3. I prefer a sunny day.
    I like both types of shores. They provide different experiences, both good.
    I enjoy long walks. I get exercise, but yet I can still people watch.

  4. 1: Do you prefer a sunny day or overcast day at the beach? Sunny
    2: Sandy shore or rocky coast? No preference
    3: Being alone, or having a nice crowd? Being alone
    4: Do you go to the beach and then sit in the shade? Nope
    5: Do you enjoy long walks, or sitting and watching the waves and the people? Walking AND watching

  5. 1: overcast
    2: Sandy
    3: Being alone
    4: prudent to do given the UVA and UVB
    5: I like to and look out onto the water and contemplate

  6. 1. Sunny
    2. Sandy
    3. Being alone in a nice crowd.
    4. No
    5. Neither. I'm playing in the water!
