Monday, June 24, 2024

Moody Monday: Not Snapping

The first of summer, and the inconsiderates seemed to be out in force.  

A truck making a left turn, with pedestrians walking very-very slowly - this turtle would move faster, and the light turns red. I have to remind myself that I am not in a hurry. I have all day, the top is down on the car on a bright sunny morning. 

A family of five walking side by side through the narrow walkways at the farmers market, blocking everyone trying to go in either direction, and they are clueless that there are others trying to move through the market.  I have to remind myself, that maybe this is the first time they have visited and don't realize what a pain in the behind they are being to everyone else.  

A throuple at the pastry boy's stand, spending what seemed like five minutes trying to decide on an order of two pastries.  Pastry boy was nice enough to look up at me and say, "two cherry?" Yes, thank you. I am reminded that thoughtful people outnumber the inconsiderate. 

The third elevator in the building has been out of service for a month, waiting for repair parts.  Ten years ago we spend several million dollars on new elevators, part of the rationale for selecting this supplier is the hardware is made in the United States and parts would be readily available.  I remind myself, that it is not my problem, that is what we have professional managers and a board for. 

At times, I have to remind myself to not snap, not lash out.  When I am driving the little car with the top down, I have to be careful what I am thinking, often you can hear my thoughts from 50 feet away.  

The turtle above, is a snapping turtle, get in his way and he can snap a finger off.  



  1. I don't like the sound of snapping turtles at all.
    When I have to take the car out, within about three minutes I am feeling road rage and wish I had a gun. The sheer incompetence....
    A month is a long time to be without an operational lift. Oh, that we have three lifts. Our parts come from Germany. They could be here within a week but for some reason take much longer.

    1. We had a bid from Schindler, and went with a domestic supplier.

  2. Ah, where’s that snapping turtle when you need him? I have to regularly remind SG when he’s cursing out a driver or pedestrian that his window is down.

    1. There are a bunch of turtles at Huntley Meadows.

  3. I'd snap inside the car at the slow truck and slow walkers.
    I'd snap inside my head at the blockade of flesh at the market.
    But then all would be well when the Pastry Boy--and doesn't he sound delicious--got my order ready for me.

    Patience, please ...

    1. He is skinny, and very bright.

  4. Remember -- illegitimi non carborundum.

  5. Now that I am retired, I am more patient when out and about. At the grocery store if there is some delay, I always say, "No worries. I'm retired and have lots of time. I'm not in a rush."

    1. The other morning I found my self particularly snappy.

  6. Great post about life's little frustrations. When I was much younger, those things would bother me. Today, I do like you, remind myself I'm not in a hurry.

  7. As the song says, "Don't worry, be happy." There are times though when you have to snap!

    1. At the end of the day, nothing tried to eat me alive.

  8. The narrow ally reminds of possible a story for a novel or movie.
