Monday, June 17, 2024

Moody Monday: Feeling better

I had a little post vacation crash, but "I am feeling much better now." 

I went to the outdoor pool for the first time this year, the water is warm enough to not take your breath away, and I can go in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week, when it is peaceful. Being in the water is therapeutic. 

I am mixing outdoor walks with treadmill hours.  The weather is very summer like, the world is very verdant. The gym is cool and has great WiFi; YouTube works well on my Ipad.    

I have picked up the brushes and started painting again. A study in shades of grey, and starting one in shades of green.  

I will likely finish a second book, before this posts, the Wisdom of Sheep, beautifully written by an organic farmer in England. 

The September road trip is planned - except for the last night.  The beginning of next April's adventure is booked, and there is plenty of time to work on the other couple of weeks of it.  

I finished three articles I had promised to do. 

I am settling back into being busy with what I am doing, and that is a good thing. 

Why is the photo above in black and white? Because I bumped the wrong dial on the camera and didn't realize it for about 20 exposures.  


  1. I am bit curious about the importance of wifi at the gym. Is phone data expensive? I pay $25, US$16.50, for 22gb per month, and with using unlimited wifi data at home, it is more than enough.

    1. I have unlimited talk, text and data on my phone, but I don't like watching video on my phone. I am paying about $75 a month per line (we have two.)

  2. I didn't realise you were a gym bunny.

  3. I wish we had a pool close by; I'd love to take a swim.

    1. The condo has indoor and outdoor pools. A gym, and a bowling alley.

  4. See...ypur almost as busy as ever!!!! And that the thing about long vacations....the crash after ...after being gone so long.

    1. The first time I had returned from vacation and not dove back into the office.

  5. A nice thing about retirement is being able to go places in off-peak hours when they are more quiet and less crowded.

  6. You have some great plans to look forward to. Half the enjoyment is the planning.

  7. Sounds great! I do some light morning exercises and stretches using an online video to guide me. It's too hot out for my walk so I may ride my Exercycle (or I might not). My next book to read is David Brooks "How to Know a Person" as I saw a recommendation on a blog.
    You sound like you are having more fun than me, tho!

    1. It is 90+ here to day, and going to get warmer this week.
