Thursday, November 17, 2022

Thursday Ramble: Mid November Edition

Well we are more than half way through November, it seems like the year has flown past.  We survived the election. Georgia still needs to decide between intelligence and stupidity - a long term struggle in that corner of the country.  That is more politics than I want to think about. 

I am swamped at the office, with projects that need to be finished, and with bureaucracy and paperwork that seems to take forever to work through the system.  Some seem to be intent on making my work as difficult as possible.  One of my colleagues is leaving, someone new will start just after the first of the year.  

I have never understood Twitter, I see it as social media with ADHD. I am glad to see it kind of imploding.  There was an article in the Atlantic recently on the death of social media being a good thing.  Social media gives people an instant voice, but is not very social.  I haven't made friends on FB, if anything I have lost a few who shared their stupidity one to many times.  All of the real friends I have on FB, were people I knew before FB.  Most of the friend requests I get on FB or Instagram are from ladies looking for a boyfriend.  Talk about barking up the wrong tree.  

Is blogging social media? Not in the same sense as FB, Twitter, Instagram, in that blogging take a little more time to create content, and there is no home page - feed, newsfeed.  I have had a much better experience with blogs.  I have met some wonderful people, and I knew  a lot more about them before I met them from reading their posts.  There is a lot less shared viral crap on bloggs, and it is much easier for me to decide a blog is not of interest to me and to never see it again.  

I am not a Zuckerberg hater, I do hope he has set aside a billion or so that is not tied to Meta, so he can live well when the empire collapses.  There is a story early on of him saying FB "could be the next million dollar idea" and his advisor responding "you know what is cooler is the next billion dollar idea." He needs to be careful with his vision of the metaverse that he does not spend billions pursuing the next million dollar idea. If I were his advisor, I would urge him to look at the Edsel, or for that matter Saturn, million dollar results from billion dollar investments (for Edsel adjusted for inflation.) Richard Branson is quoted as saying the fastest way to become a millionaire, is to take a billion and found an airline.  I do wish that Zuck would go back to posting for the Beast, his dogs FB feed.   

When I bought a new phone last year, my old phone was so short on memory that something had to be deleted to load the software to move the files to the new phone.  The phone store guy, with my permission, deleted Facebook and Instagram.  My phone remains a meta free zone. And I think life is richer for that.  



  1. While I find Twitter helpful in many areas, I've only posted about half a dozen times in maybe ten years. Lol at billion dollar investments returning millions. However, with the absurd new owner, I would happily see it collapse. My FB is essentially for family and a few people I really trust, but people are drifting more to Instagram. Will Twitter become the next Myspace?

  2. I like the idea of a meta-free zone. And I love the idea of a Twitter implosion.

  3. All of those selfish billionaire jerks cannot go down in flames fast enough as far as I am concerned.

    1. They do get a bit difficult to take

  4. I don't have a Twitter account and I deleted my FB account about 4 years ago. I do still have an Instagram account but I don't participate in conversations there, I just post a photo every now and then. I like your meta-free zone.

    1. I periodically think about deleting FB

  5. So glad the election is over.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. I am on FB, but use it mainly to connect with family members and a few friends; I like Twitter, but it is a rather hate-filled space ... the posts about Paul Pelosi were vile.
    I wouldn't bat an eye if Zuckerberg and Musk lost millions and millions and millions.

    1. Ten-billion here, 43-billion there, it adds up to real money after a while.

  7. I think/hope blogging is more about self-expression and writing while Twitter is about ranting and Instagram is Envy Incarnate. FB used to be fun seeing what my friend and relations are doing but that's now buried in ads. Blogging may return like LPs?
