Friday, September 13, 2019


I was surprised to see this horse standing with one foot turned up, the carriage driver said, "he is just resting, shifting his weight from four feet to three, kind of like you shift from two to one."  I've not spent a lot of time around horses, they don't rest on a race course.  (At least I don't think they do?) Thinking about it, it seems logical, it would be even easier to balance on three out of four legs, than on one of two.  

It is Friday, I know what day of the month it is, remember bad luck can happen any day, it is all a matter of how you respond to it, not what is thrown at you.  Friday is becoming my telecommute day.  I started doing this over the summer to minimize the commute from hell.  I found that if I plan to work on writing projects at home, the days can be very productive.  I usually have a few writing projects in the works, at the moment, an issue brief,  a book review, and a journal article on ethics.  Working at home, is also relaxing. My commute is from one end of my bedroom to the other, there is no dress code, starting time is early, meaning I can be done early, and when I am done the gym is across the back parking area.  I avoid taking naps, but I might get laundry done while working today.  

How's your Friday? 


  1. currently 5a, coffee is brewing, I don't have to be at the office until 8.

    1. 7:25 and I just arrived at my desk, at home.

  2. Anonymous9/13/2019

    Gym? I am impressed. Yes, I have seen horses doing the same thing, one hoof lifted.

    1. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 5 or 6 times a week, the longer I keep moving, the longer I will be able to move.

  3. Friday the 13th is not associated with bad luck in Spain. So I’m going with that... I’m even standing on one foot without falling over.

    1. It is just another day, have fun. Are you seeing AM this weekend?

  4. Itching at the moment. Horrible, sunburn-like redness all over my chest, neck, arms and back. No clue, and steroids aren't helping. Just venting.

    1. Oh! Hope you are feeling better soon,

    2. Not as bad this afternoon as it was this morning, so that is some progress.

  5. It sort of whizzed by. I went to the gym and felt most virtuous to do so.
