Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Anne Marie is Real

I knew she was real, I had met her once before, though I almost didn't recognize her, her hair was somewhat different than the first time I met her.  We were in Philadelphia Labor Day weekend and Anne Marie and her husband Todd came into the city to join us for lunch.  If you have read her blog, or had comments from her, she is just as much fun in person as she is online.  Strong, and fearless, she has faced down lives dragons and sent them packing.  She is much more vocal about being political than I am, and I love her for it.  

I have met several blogger in the flesh, and hope to have the opportunity to meet several more.  Most of them are very nice people, even of they are not all well of four feet tall.  

What blogger would you most like to have lunch with next Saturday?   


  1. Anonymous9/10/2019

    Bar one, my experience of meeting blog friends has been extremely positive. Too many nice blog mates to choose from for lunch.

    1. Let us know when you are coming this way!

  2. Replies
    1. Travel came out of my bag for the occasion.

  3. Well I already met Anne Marie. She always manages to get my drunk and pour drink down my gullet. I'd be ready to meet any of my blogger friends, but if it was this Saturday, I'd have to say Steven at Sooooo, this is Me. We should probably meet before we get married I surmise.

  4. I quit dying my hair after the last blogger meetup. and lil travel is SO CUTE!

    next saturday - MITCHELL!

    1. You were decidedly a red-head the last time I saw you.

  5. Alex J Cavanaugh. Ninja Captain.
