Sunday, August 12, 2018

Sunday Five

1: Have you ever worn glasses or contacts? 
2: What is your favorite televised sporting event? 
3: How many bicycles do you own?
4: How many phone numbers do you have? 
5: Have you ever worn cowboy boots?

My Answers 
1: Have you ever worn glasses or contacts? Yes, see above
2: What is your favorite televised sporting event? Tour de France
3: How many bicycles do you own? 4
4: How many phone numbers do you have? 3 
5: Have you ever worn cowboy boots? no

Your answers in the comments 


  1. 1. Yes, for reading before cataract surgery.
    2. What is this sports of which you speak?
    3. One, a trike.
    4. 2
    5. No

  2. 1. Yes, glasses
    2. The cricket, and footy - Origin! (You have to be either a Queenslander or New South Welsh Person to understand that one. Only 3 games a year, but we are GLUED to the TV!)
    3. None. Me, on a bike, when I can't walk without a walking stick?
    4. 2
    5. Never

  3. 1: Have you ever worn glasses or contacts? No..not yet, But I do have a fake pair of glasses to go with a"smart look"

    2: What is your favorite televised sporting event? Sports? I do watch videos of guys, I believe wrestling? But there naked and do odd things to each other. I'm never sure who is winning or won for that matter.

    3: How many bicycles do you own? None, I still horse back.
    4: How many phone numbers do you have? 1
    5: Have you ever worn cowboy boots? Yes. And when I come to DC I'll need them again to wade in how deep the swamp has gotten.

    1. I've often wondered (because I have no life) how wearing glasses came to mean "looking smart" instead of blind as a bat! What does lack of eyesight have to do with intelligence? Just curious.

    2. Glasses I always think, make people look smart.

  4. 1: Have you ever worn glasses or contacts? Glasses, yes, for these "40-year-old" eyes!
    2: What is your favorite televised sporting event? World Cup Football
    3: How many bicycles do you own? None now. Have had several over the years.
    4: How many phone numbers do you have? Two (mobile and landline; landline only because it's part of the home "package")
    5: Have you ever worn cowboy boots? Yes. I especially love ropers. Have an old pair of Lucchese ostrich skins in the closet. Sadly, they're too small now, but I can't manage to part with them.

  5. 1: glasses only; need glasses to drive

    2: What is your favorite televised sporting event? baseball

    3: How many bicycles do you own? zero

    4: How many phone numbers do you have? 2

    5: Have you ever worn cowboy boots? nope

  6. 1. Glasses.
    2. Olympics when the ht mens are competing.
    3. Not a one.
    4. 2
    5. Never.

  7. 1. I wear contacts when I'm out in public. I usually wear glasses when I'm home alone. I'm profoundly myopic.

    2.World Series

    3.I had two bikes and left them in Texas when I moved. I'm still kicking my ass over that.

    4. I have two phone numbers and can't remember either of them.

    5. I wear cowboy boots constantly - except when I'm in the shower, or in bed....

  8. 1. I wear both, occasionally at the same time
    2. Formula 1
    3. 0
    4. 4
    5. yes
