Thursday, April 06, 2017

Political Art

There is a non-profit in the DC area that runs an open gallery program called Artomatic.  About once a year, they get space donated in empty commercial space, frequently an empty office building that is slated for a major remodel before the next tenant moves in and invite artists to display their art.  There is no jury or selection process for artists, space is open to all, until it is all filled.  There is a modest fee for artists displaying, and the artists are obligated to volunteer in the space a few days over the 30-60 days the program is open.  Artomatic draws professionals and very amateur artists.  The current installation opened in late March in an office building in Crystal City (one subway stop from National Airport) spread out over 6 floors of an office building.  

This is the second Artomatic I have attended.  I like the eclectic mix of talents, media and points of view.  It is open to the public for free, I had a nice wander around on a recent Sunday afternoon.  

One thing I noticed this time was an overwhelming theme of political art.  I liked the one at the top (it had already been sold,) the one in the middle is disturbing with the swastika (it was still for sale - not a bad price,) the one at the bottom was a presidential throne - with a very large spike coming up through the seat.  A rather political statement.  

Will these be collectibles 50 years from now? 


  1. probably. look at campaign buttons and their ilk.

  2. That would be a great exhibit to see!

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