Thursday, June 02, 2016

Update - the adventure continues

We just finished five days without WiFi or TV, in an apartment in Rome, supplied by the conference J was speaking at. The apartment was in an incredible location and had lots of space.  We went to the Vatican Sunday in time for the end of the Mass in the Square.  I have pictures on the camera of the Pope in the Popemobile.  It has been a good trip, and five days without WiFi meant five days without office email - a nice a very needed break.  We are off in the north for a few days, then back to Rome and home.
Nice Italian sausage every place you look.


  1. awww, cute pix of you and sweet bear! and THAT is NOT that kind of sausage I wanna see!

    1. Blushing, oh, whatever could you mean?

  2. I was hoping for more Italian sausage. Different "varieties."
