Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Sunday Five: How Do We Blog

My messy desk, where the magic happens

1: How do you decide what to write about? 

2: Do you know before you draft a post, what you are going to say? 

3: Why do you blog? 

4: Does reading other blogs influence your posts? 

5: How many posts do you have written in advance? 

My answers: 

1: How do you decide what to write about? Having theme days really helps, it gives me a framework. I always start with a photo. 

2: Do you know before you draft a post, what you are going to say? Not really, sometimes I randomly scroll through the photo archive (nearly 100,000 images) and find one that inspires me.  

3: Why do you blog? To share photos and thoughts, to improve my writing, and to be a part of the blogging network or family. 

4: Does reading other blogs influence your posts? Yes, probably once a week, I write a post inspired by a post that I have read. 

5: How many posts do you have written in advance? At the time I wrote this, I had 11 scheduled posts, and a few more in draft.  

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1: How do you decide what to write about? Sometimes it is obvious - say when I have been out on a long walk. At other times I have no idea until I sit down at the computer. Then something just stirs in my brain.
    2: Do you know before you draft a post, what you are going to say? That can happen but frequently the magical process of writing causes unexpected paths to open up.
    3: Why do you blog? Because it's creative and I do not have to go through a publisher. Shazam! And it's there - the tapestry of my life and sharing it with others gives me a buzz.
    4: Does reading other blogs influence your posts? Not really. Publish and be damned I say but I am sure that subconsciously my favoured bloggers have influenced my output.
    5: How many posts do you have written in advance? None. The cupboard is always bare.

    P.S. I chuckled about your untidy command station because it is very similar to mine!

    1. I enjoy the creative process, and sharing my thoughts.

  2. 1. Depends on the day. Some are scheduled due to some event or one of my monthly staples. I like to think I pick something that is an interest to myself and readers, though that might be a fool's errand.
    2. Sometimes. Maybe 50/50.
    3. It is an outlet for me. Creative. Mental.
    4. Not really. I might pick up a topic here and there, but stylewise, never.
    5. Maybe 5%. I can do my Music, Sites, Ads, Records stuff in advance. I usually don't......but I can.

    1. I am preparing for a five week adventure, the backlog of scheduled posts is growing day by day.

  3. 1: How do you decide what to write about? Whatever inspires me at the moment.
    2: Do you know before you draft a post, what you are going to say? A bit, but not totally.
    3: Why do you blog? I love telling stories. It’s social.
    4: Does reading other blogs influence your posts? Absolutely. Issues. Feelings. Memories.
    5: How many posts do you have written in advance? I always have several started but rarely write completely in advance.

    1. You are such a fun story teller.

  4. 1: How do you decide what to write about? I have set posts about particular topics, so those stay the same. The others are politics, my life, our life, craziness, family and whatever happens to enter my pea brain.

    2: Do you know before you draft a post, what you are going to say? I have an idea, but sometimes I wander off course into something better or, at times, sometimes worse.

    3: Why do you blog? A space to speak out and share and see what others around the globe are doing and saying; I find we are all much more alike that we may have previously though.

    4: Does reading other blogs influence your posts? Sometimes; I was reading Sixpence at the beginning of the month and he mentioned Black History Month and how it's being denied and erased in so many places. I remember writing many posts on the topic over a decade ago and decided to share some of them again this year to remind us about ALL of our history.

    5: How many posts do you have written in advance? Not too many, it depends on how much time I have to get ahead of myself. I did have a lot of the Black History Month posts pre-planned but only because they were already written and just needed an edit and then a new post.

    1. We look forward to your posts, and the recurring themes.

  5. 1: How do you decide what to write about? Whatever grabs my fancy is grist to my mill.
    2: Do you know before you draft a post, what you are going to say? Pretty much.
    3: Why do you blog? It's a creative outlet for me and I enjoy reading the comments I get. We have such a great little blogging community here!
    4: Does reading other blogs influence your posts? Yes, in the sense of inspiring blog topics and also stealing memes.
    5: How many posts do you have written in advance? All of them. I almost never blog or publish spontaneously.


  6. 1: How do you decide what to write about? The Muses (or someone like them) pops things into my pumpkin from time to time I say hey I will use that.
    2: Do you know before you draft a post, what you are going to say? Only sometimes. Most of the time is is a work in progress as I write.

    3: Why do you blog? I love writing.

    4: Does reading other blogs influence your posts? Sometimes I read something to inspire me to write something similar.

    5: How many posts do you have written in advance? hardly ever.

  7. I do not blog but I do appreciate those of you who do. Thanks for all of the time and effort you put in to this work.

    1. It is fun, feel free to join us anytime.

  8. 1: How do you decide what to write about? Usually it's something I've recently done or seen.
    2: Do you know before you draft a post, what you are going to say? No, I just write as I'm typing.
    3: Why do you blog? I love having an outlet for all the photos I take and really love the blogging community. I've met some great people this way.
    4: Does reading other blogs influence your posts? Yes, sometimes.
    5: How many posts do you have written in advance? I don't often post in advance. Sometimes when I have lots of photos from one event or place, I'll post 2 or 3 at once but mostly I just post every day.

    1. It is fun meeting people virtually and in person.

  9. 1: How do you decide what to write about? M, W, F I have themed posts, the other days are free-for-alls.
    2: Do you know before you draft a post, what you are going to say? I may have an idea but a lot of times it will take a new direction.
    3: Why do you blog? I created my blog in 2013 and wrote here and there. Fast forward to 2020...we sold our house, COVID hit, we moved to Columbus...lots of big life changes. I had kept a journal but wanted to try another outlet and so I returned to blogging the day before my birthday.
    4: Does reading other blogs influence your posts? It gives me new ideas and inspiration.
    5: How many posts do you have written in advance? Sometimes I can get a week's worth done, other times a day or two, and lots of times it's by the seat of my pants. I admire you for how well you plan.

  10. 1: How do you decide what to write about? I almost always wing it, but occasionally have a moment of inspiration on a topic or thought to write about.

    2: Do you know before you draft a post, what you are going to say? Rarely.

    3: Why do you blog? Its tarted out as a way to express my thoughts and feelings about the world. Then it became about sharing my daily ups and downs. Then I became part of a blogger community and it feels more communal in nature, sharing our stories with each other, living vicariously through one another, inspiring and educating each other and making each other laugh (and sometimes cry.) It is the bulk of my socializing now.

    4: Does reading other blogs influence your posts? Sometimes. It mostly makes me envious to see how well written and interesting other blogs are, compared to mine.

    5: How many posts do you have written in advance? None. I've done one or two in my time, but usually I write it and post it same day.


  11. Oh gawd. Well, I'll give it a go.
    1. How do you decide what to write about? It's totally inspiration and often unstable. Whatever has occurred in my life and that I find of interest.
    2. Do you know before you draft a post what you are going to say? Usually but sometimes I get a surprise while writing.
    3. Why do you blog? I have acquired the habit after all these years (17) and now I feel an obligation to my readers.
    4. Does reading other blogs influence your posts? Yes.
    5. How many posts do you have written in advance? Only one regularly: the Friday Funnies, which I write on Thursdays.

    1. Your lifetime of writing shines through

  12. 1. I decide very erratically, aside from theme days. Sometimes I deliberately switch to more writing or more photos if I think I've been doing either too often.
    2. I usually have an idea for a post or just choose some photos and write about them. I often should research more but I love it when I've inspired others to check out some detail.
    3. My blog began as an outlet for my opinions but I didn't realise I was going to become part of a great community, which have become so important to me, and I actually care about what is happening in peoples' lives.
    4. Sometimes, perhaps quite indirectly, what I've read on other blogs steers me towards something.
    5. My old blog had about forty unfinished posts. I think I have two now. Often they remained unpublished for good reasons. I should try to fix up one of the unpublished ones for tomorrow, Tuesday.

    1. The community is really neat. I have a few in the draft folder that are unsaveable
