Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Saturday Morning Post: 50 states in 52 weeks Delaware

Delaware is mostly a state I pass through on my way from Washington DC to New York and points north. I have been there three times for work.  One time was an AARP training, one was checking on a subgrantee my first year at the ABA, and the last time was to present a couple of hours of ethics training at the Law School for the Delaware State Bar Association. I also went to the last great blogger gathering hosted by Ron on the eastern shore of Delaware. 

Wilmington is the major city, Amtrak has good service there. There is almost no airline service to the state.  It is a tiny state. 

Delaware's claim to fame, is liberal corporate laws, and low taxes. At one time, it was a corporate tax haven for many US based corporations.  

There are a few things in the state to see, and someday, I will do a driving trip there to explore.  


  1. My first thought when I saw you were writing about Delaware is the fact that I’ve only ever passed through. I don’t think I’ve ever even stopped there for gas. What a sorry state of affairs for a state.

    1. It is an easy one to pass through.

  2. So Delaware has low corporate taxes, and it's a boring place with little of interest. I wonder how closely the two are connected.

  3. "...a couple of hours of ethics training" I bet that was a DEI event! Today it would be illegal and Musk's young techno-troopers would march you away.
    What did Delaware, David? What did Delaware?
    I ask you now as a personal friend, what did Delaware?

    1. The training focused on representing and communicating with clients with dementia. And it was unrelated to the activities of the Federal Executive Branch, there was a room full of lawyers that would have defended me in a heartbeat.

  4. I have been to Winterthur, the du Pont estate, a couple times. It is beautifully decorated for the Christmas season.

    1. I had a book about that estate, we really should go.

  5. I've only just passed through but that part of the country is beautiful.

    1. We need to spend more time there.

  6. Years ago my sister lived in Dover and I visited several times from California. I loved the small town feel and the historic buildings, which is probably why I like Camden now, too.

  7. Now Delaware is a jewel of a little state. Every summer in Rehoboth Beach...and Wilmington is a surprisingly cute little city and a tad trendy.

    1. There are more retired lawyers per square mile in Rehoboth

  8. I've never been to Delaware, I think.

  9. I've been there; nice place.
