Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Five: Fishy

1: Do you like fish? 

2: Have you ever gone fishing? 

3: Have you ever caught a fish? 

4: Have you ever cleaned "cleaned" as in filleted a fish? 

5: When was the last time you cooked fish? 

My Answers:

1: Do you like fish?  Yes

2: Have you ever gone fishing? Yes

3: Have you ever caught a fish? Yes - it has been a long time. 

4: Have you ever cleaned "cleaned" as in filleted a fish? Yes, I have bought whole fish in the local markets and prepared them. 

5: When was the last time you cooked fish? We cook fish once or twice a month. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1. Yes, sometimes. I think more about fish as a living animal than I do a leg of lamb.
    2. With my father when I was a kid. It was boring.
    3. I can't remember. Maybe.
    4. No!!!
    5. I have fish cooked for me. I don't cook fish.

    1. A lot of people never cook it.

  2. 1: Do you like fish? Yes
    2: Have you ever gone fishing? Yes, ocean and lake.
    3: Have you ever caught a fish? Once, ocean
    4: Have you ever cleaned "cleaned" as in filleted a fish? Seriously?
    5: When was the last time you cooked fish? Again, seriously? (But, seriously, SG hasn’t cooked fish for a while.)

    1. There is good seafood in Spain.

  3. 1: Do you like fish? Yes - but not the bones.
    2: Have you ever gone fishing? Yes but I was never a great enthusiast.
    3: Have you ever caught a fish? Yes. In an Austrian lake I once caught about ten fish at once using an old nylon sea line with a dozen hooks.
    4: Have you ever cleaned "cleaned" as in filleted a fish? No. Somebody else was always there to do it for me.
    5: When was the last time you cooked fish? Last Friday. Salmon.

    1. Salmon is a very popular choice.

  4. 1. Yes. Not all fish, but overall, yes.
    2. Yes. Not a great pastime.
    3. Yes. A few.
    4. Noooooooooo
    5. Monday. Salmon.

  5. 1: Do you like fish? Yes, mostly. Trout and catfish are a hard pass.
    2: Have you ever gone fishing? Just once; I do not have the patience.
    3: Have you ever caught a fish? No. Probably another reason it was a one-time experience.
    4: Have you ever cleaned "cleaned" as in filleted a fish? Never. Nope. Nada.
    5: When was the last time you cooked fish? We have fish at least twice a week.

    1. Trout I like, catfish and tilapia are hard no.

  6. 1. Yes, I like mild-tasting fish in small doses.
    2. Yes, I have gone fishing in a river and a lake.
    3. Yes, I caught a small pickerel (walleye) once. It freaked me out to feel it fighting the line. And I regretted its death. But I still ate it.
    4. No, I don't know how.
    5. I don't cook fish at home. I only eat it in restaurants.

    1. It is freaky to pull a fish out of the water.

  7. 1: Do you like fish? Yes
    2: Have you ever gone fishing? No
    3: Have you ever caught a fish? No
    4: Have you ever cleaned "cleaned" as in filleted a fish? No
    5: When was the last time you cooked fish? Two weeks ago.
    I appear to be the only one who has never gone fishing. Seems strange since I grew up in a town on the Mississippi River. I attribute that to the fact that my parents rarely ate fish and never cooked it.

    1. Most would agree, you haven't missed anything

  8. 1. Yes, but not fresh fish - just store-bought fish.
    2. Yes, my Dad loved to fish and we all learned from him.
    3. Yes.
    4. No! Luckily, that was Dad's job! Later, we would catch and release.
    5. Last week. But not fish I have caught - only frozen fish from the store...

    1. Most of the fresh fish we buy, is really frozen fish.

  9. 1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Yes
    4. No
    5. My spouse cooked fish within the last few weeks.

    1. I always look at fish when I am shopping.
