Sunday, July 07, 2024

The Sunday Five: People Watching

 1: When was the last time you sat in a public place and watched the people go by? 

2: Is it rude to take photos of passersby in public places? 

3: How long can you sit still on a park bench? 

4: What is the most interesting part of the photo above? 

5: Has anyone complained about you taking a photo? 

My answers: 

1: When was the last time you sat in a public place and watched the people go by? The end of may in Nimes, I should do this more often. 

2: Is it rude to take photos of passersby in public places? In public, probably not.  I try not to post photos of people I don't know where the person is easily identifiable/ 

3: How long can you sit still on a park bench? About 10 minutes, and I get antsy and want to move along. 

4: What is the most interesting part of the photo above? The hair and the Maserati hoodie make a great combo.  

5: Has anyone complained about you taking a photo?  A few times. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1. Today, and daily.
    2. I don't have a problem with incidental photography or of performers but I don't think I would like up close in your face photography. But in public, our law says you are fair game.
    3. 15 minutes is generally long enough but it depends on the passing people and the weather, and the seating comfort.
    4. The hair and a crease free neck.
    5. Once, unjustly and it was a distant photo of a street performer.

    1. More comfortable seating helps.

  2. 1: When was the last time you sat in a public place and watched the people go by? Yesterday
    2: Is it rude to take photos of passersby in public places? Not if you don’t get caught
    3: How long can you sit still on a park bench? Not very
    4: What is the most interesting part of the photo above? There are many
    5: Has anyone complained about you taking a photo? Once. I was taking a photo of the outside of a ham shop and a staffer came out and told me not to take pictures of “her” customers (which I was nowhere near doing.) I told her I was clearly taking a photo of the outside of the shop to write about a good local place to get ham, but I would write about someplace else.

    1. I have had a few small businesses that encouraged photos.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1: When was the last time you sat in a public place and watched the people go by? In the city of Bradford in April.
    2: Is it rude to take photos of passersby in public places? No. Not rude but you be discreet.
    3: How long can you sit still on a park bench? If paid, I could sit there until I needed a wee wee and if paid enough I might even wee wee in my pants. Several hours.
    4: What is the most interesting part of the photo above? The fact that the guy in the middle is clearly on his smartphone.
    5: Has anyone complained about you taking a photo? Yes. I have even been physically threatened and I wasn't even taking a picture of that madman - just the gatehouse at the entrance to a country estate. Apparently he lives there. It was a difficult situation to extract myself from.

    1. See Q2. Amend to "No. Not rude but you need to be discreet."

    2. I hadn't noticed the phone. Some madmen live in grand houses.

  5. I have been sent to Spam jail again.

  6. 1. Yesterday. Having tea with my cousin, talking and observing.
    2. Probably. But it happens.
    3. Maybe an hour.
    4. the mohawk. ...and the ears.
    5. In Tijuana. I took a picture of a donkey painted to look like a zebra. The owner yelled at me. Apparently, you pay them to take a picture of it. As if.

    1. Add taking photos to the list of things I have never paid for.

  7. 1: When was the last time you sat in a public place and watched the people go by? Yesterday, having breakfast outdoors on Broad St, watching the locals drift by.
    2: Is it rude to take photos of passersby in public places? I think so, but if you're sly enough ...
    3: How long can you sit still on a park bench? Depends on the action ... if a lot is going on I could take it all in.
    4: What is the most interesting part of the photo above? The guy's hair.
    5: Has anyone complained about you taking a photo? Not ever, but maybe I am THAT sly.

    1. Maybe you would make a good spy?

  8. 1: When was the last time you sat in a public place and watched the people go by? Probably back in May before it got so hot.
    2: Is it rude to take photos of passersby in public places? Probably, but I do it anyway.
    3: How long can you sit still on a park bench? I would say about 10 minutes then I want to move on.
    4: What is the most interesting part of the photo above? That hair cut.
    5: Has anyone complained about you taking a photo? Not in a very long time.

    1. I am not spending very much time outside this summer.

  9. I love to people watch and do it all the time. I don't photograph them though. The most interesting thing to me about your photo above is the guy's hair.

    1. I didn't have hair like that, when I had hair.

  10. 1: When was the last time you sat in a public place and watched the people go by? A couple weeks ago sitting in one of the swings that overlooks the river fountains. Saw bike riders, dog walkers, people strolling, parents chasing their little one.
    2: Is it rude to take photos of passersby in public places? Depends on your intent.
    3: How long can you sit still on a park bench? Just long enough to give my feet a rest and then I'm back to walking and exploring.
    4: What is the most interesting part of the photo above? The layers. First the bars, then the guy in the Mazerati hoodie, next the person walking into the photo on the left, and finally the pop of red.
    5: Has anyone complained about you taking a photo? No.

    1. Great eye on the layers in the photo.

  11. 1. last week. I'm sociable and smile at everyone.
    2. I don't take many photos. I don't think I would photograph strangers, tho.
    3. not long
    4. cool hair
    5. no

    1. I found you in Spam, it has been overactive recently

  12. 1: When was the last time you sat in a public place and watched the people go by? I usually only do this in Provincetown, where there are convenient benches in the center of town.

    2: Is it rude to take photos of passersby in public places? Id it is, I am the rudest man you'll ever meet.

    3: How long can you sit still on a park bench? Depends on the flow of eye candy and/or interesting folk. But 2 hours easily, if I'm entertained and the weather is good.

    4: What is the most interesting part of the photo above? That it makes me want to see his face...

    5: Has anyone complained about you taking a photo? Not to my face. I am VERY discreet.


    1. I really don't care if someone takes my photo. I know what I look like, and I am not in hiding.

  13. 1. Can't remember the last time I "sat" in a public place and watched the people going by but I'm always aware of the people around me in the grocery store.

    2. I don't think so, as long as they can't be identified.

    3. Longer and longer as I get older and older!

    4. I thought it was the two people both bent over their "smartphones".

    5. Not for many years. (I used to be a tv journalist so . . . )

    1. The older I get, the slower I move.

  14. My comments have not turned up...
