Monday, July 08, 2024

Monday Mood: Pool Time

My daily routine, wake between 6:00 and 7:00 local time, and turn on live coverage of the Tour de France, start the coffee and have a little breakfast, read blogs with the Tour playing in the background, walk on the treadmill at the gym for an hour with the Tour playing on my Ipad. Have a nice lunch, then go to the pool, lay back, float and watch the clouds merge, build, cover and uncover the sun. Watch for planes and shadows of planes when they fly over the clouds.  

I hadn't laid back and watched the clouds since I was a kid.  The clouds are fascinating to watch. The clouds have personality. Some are soft and fluffy, some look hard. If you watch along the edges you can see them changing, growing, thinning, merging with other clouds. I have not fallen asleep, yet. I have a simple float, two inflatable pillows connected by a mesh fabric bout a yard long. One pillow under my neck, the other under my knees.  Just enough floatation to keep my head out of the water, and my legs from sinking to the bottom.  In many ways the most comfortable pool float I have ever used.  

I set the bezel on my watch, 30 - 40 minutes is my time limit in the sun. I am browning up a bit. Sometimes I talk with neighbors, sometimes it is an entirely solitary event.  I move myself around my using my arms as oars.  

It is very relaxing. I will miss the outdoor pool when it closes in September.  It lifts my mood.  


  1. I have did whole post on clouds once. They are fun to sit back and watch. But as far as water, between the beach and the pool this weekend, Im beginning to think I should be a Merman.

  2. Treadmill for an hour? That would have been a punishment in Olde English times. The rest sounds pretty good. I too remember being young and lying in warm sunshine staring at cloud formations. It would probably a good thing for adults to do.

    1. I walk for at least an hour most days, when it is this hot and humid, I often do it indoors. Punishment would be walking out in the heat of the day.

  3. During summer, we can’t take floats into our pool (supposedly) because there are too many people. I love floating like that.

    1. I try to avoid crowds. The pool is rather large.

  4. I miss a pool. I love just being in the water and gazing at the sky.

    1. The condo includes indoor and outdoor pools, and a bowling alley

  5. That sounds so very relaxing.

  6. I landed on your blog via your comment on Andrew's blog.
    Clouds are absolutely fascinating. In fact, we tend to be too busy every day not to see these marvellous formations! I love taking photos of clouds.
    (My latest post: UK Tour 06 - Beamish Museum)

    1. I should take the waterproof camera with me.

  7. One reason I like being in the window seat on a plane...taking pics of clouds.

    1. I should pick more window seats.

  8. Watch out for skin cancer.

    1. Yes, I should be more careful.
