Friday, March 17, 2023

Funny Friday: Inanimate Pets

Bunnies, bears, penguins, sheep, a wombat, a beaver, a platypus, a dodo, dragon (actually two), are just a few of the inanimate pets we have.  All of them have names, most of them have tags with their name.  Some have great backstories,  Bob the penguin is dean of the school of advanced aviation and flight school. Petunia the Wonder Sheep comforted me through a complicated medical journey.  The sheep wait for the spring carpet flowers to bloom.  

It is silly, and fun, and they are rather low maintenance.  Yes we are a little crazy, in a fun sort of way.  


  1. So cute! "Low maintenance" is the key.

  2. Indeed we are!!! 🐑🦤🦩🐇🦫🦔

  3. I carry a little "friend" on my travel backpack that looks like a little voodoo doll. Her name is Mariposa (butterfly in Spanish). She and inspires me to spread my wings on my adventures, wherever they are!

    1. There is a small sheep in the bottom of my bag, who has been with me for 15 years

  4. I always prefer a little crazy. Makes life interesting.

  5. Crazy is a good thing!

  6. A little crazy in a fun kind of way? More like - a little crazy in a raving lunatic kind of way!

  7. I carry a very small wolf in my bag; but he's a very friendly wolf, not prone to eating sheep....

    1. Good to hear he is not after the flock

  8. I love this fun, whimsical side of you! I think these things are inanimate only when people aren't around, like in Toy Story. I know this because I keep finding my two little bears engaging in erotic behaviors in different, and inappropriate, parts of the house. Balder Half claims no knowledge of this, and he doesn't lie, so Toy Story it is.

  9. silly, and fun, and they are rather low maintenance - like your men.
