Saturday, January 14, 2023

The Saturday Morning Post: Dusty and Cluttered

If I could see the structure of my mind, my brain, I imagine it would look at lot like my bedroom/home office.  It is layered with memories and mementos, not necessarily in any logical or organized way.  Books are stacked on top of both printers, books I have read, and books I will read. Files, paperwork, some still needed, some long past it's toss by date.  

Peeking out over my keyboard tray, is a National Rail ticket, from Holyhead to Conwy in Wales, from March of 2020.  We stopped, staying in a delightful old hotel, and John from Going Gently joined us for dinner. John is very much as you expect him to be if you read his blog, very real - very genuine.  I ordered a dry Gin Martini, and John chuckled, the bartender had no clue how to make one. John described his first time drinking martinis in New York as a young nurse, not realizing how strong they were.  I tried to explain to the wait staff how to make one, the result was an insult to Hendricks (to much vermouth.)  I should have gone and shown the bartender how to make it, get the vermouth close to the cocktail shaker - I watched one bartender add vermouth with a dropper.  

Below that is a grey stone, picked up on a Pacific beach in Washington State, polished smooth by the surf.  A couple of professional license are framed on the wall, behind the television.  Paintings, photographs and prints peek out from behind lamps.  There is no real organization to them, but everyone of them has a meaning to me.  

I paint for fun, it relaxes me.  This creates a problem, especially in a small space, lack of wall space.  If you stop by for dinner, or a drink and admire a painting, you may find it in your backseat when you leave.  

This space drives others a little crazy.  But it works for me.  Everyplace I look, everything I pick up, is connected with a memory, or an experience.  I just looked up and there is a lanyard from a conference ID for a program I was invited to speak at this year, a program I had wanted to be a part of for a decade, and I was finally able to do so. (And I surprised them with my position on many issues.)  

Dusty and cluttered, my space, and probably my mind.  


  1. On the surface, I'm organized and in control. Underneath it all, I'm like one a few drawers in my office — a complete mess.

  2. I like a space that has things I love, that tell stories of where we've been and what we've done. I don't like things for things' sake.

  3. We moved to a new home and I don't have a specific space to call my own. We are working on that...hopefully within the next year. I need a space layered with memories and mementos, filled with books and artwork and just whatevers!

    1. I have been here 13 years, made it my own.

  4. "This space drives others a little crazy." That would be me. ☺️

    1. The rest of the house is neat, organized and dust free

  5. That's why I will not take up painting. Too hard to store those completed canvases, whether you put them on the walls or not. They just take up too much space! The kind of art I do is just on easily stored paper.

  6. Did someone say Hendricks?????

  7. I love this post. I look around my "office room" and I see similar things. There is a lion I photographed in California staring at me and there is a castle I visited in Italy behind me. And, there is clutter all over my desk.

    1. I did sort through the stacks of books. The oversize printer has become non-functional - Canon no longer supports the print drivers for it.

  8. I'm disorganized in both mental space and physical space. Nothing to brag about, it's just me. My undonated books are in boxes in the garage. I do have to clear crap off of my printer in order to, you know, print stuff. I admire organized people. I'm just not a part of that particular organization. Hugs.

    1. I have a printer that works, unless I need to scan, or copy, or change ink, then shit has to be moved. I didn't get the clean gene.

  9. I am mad-jealous you got to meet Mr. John
    I would bolt from the bar if the tender doesn't know how to make a proper martini!

  10. Even living in a North Idaho hick town I think I could do martini. Although I'm not a fan of gin.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


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