Friday, May 06, 2022

Fabulous Friday - Simply Spectacular

The first time Jay and I went to England we spent a week together at Oxford, he was there for a conference, I was there as his spouse.  We stayed "In College" at St. Edmonds, giving me a pass that granted me entrance to almost everything on campus.  I spent a couple of hours in a fantastic garden - it was August - taking close up  of photos of flowers in bloom. A friend of ours who was an avid gardener was buying her first house, a housewarming gift from us was a framed series of prints from that afternoon.  

It is often worth the time to slow down, focus, fiddle with the lighting, flowers are nature's show offs.  The spectacular display of colors and softness, attract pollinators essential for plant reproduction.  At the risk of being cited by Google for adult content, we are photographing plant $#x in all its glory. Plants at the peak of their reproductive attractiveness.    


  1. Ooooh! Bloom chicka wow wow!

  2. Anonymous5/06/2022

    What a good idea to make a photo gift of flowers to adorn walls. Now when was I at the peak of my reproductive attractiveness...

    1. For some of that, that ship has long ago hit an iceberg and sank

  3. Replies
    1. And fabulous! (I released your comment from blogger jail)

  4. I love doing walkabouts in new places, just meandering and taking in all the views and local displays, in nature or otherwise.

    1. Something we should find more time for

  5. We love going to gardens several times a year to see the new blooms. The gardens at Biltmore are a favorite spot.

    1. I should go back there, the last time was 2014 - and I was not moving well

  6. A week in Oxford!! That's something I would enjoy! The last time I was in London, I found myself photographing the beautiful flowers in a garden in The Temple area. I was surprised to find so many gardens around all the law offices.

    1. My ancestors were great gardeners

  7. I too would like to see Oxford.
