Friday, November 09, 2018

Richard Branson - the Importance of Kindness

I follow Richard Branson on Facebook, I have read a couple of his books, he has some amazing things to say.  

These suggestions are his: 

1. Tell a joke
2. Call a friend or a relative
3. Give a compliment to a stranger
4. Make up with anyone you’ve fallen out with (even if you feel it’s their fault)
5. Give someone a hug

6. Leave a happy note for someone to find
7. Email an old teacher who has made a difference in your life
8. Hand-write someone a letter, and mail it
9. Smile at someone on the street, just because
10. Talk to the shy person who’s sitting by themselves at a party

11. Help a parent with their baby stroller
12. Help someone struggling with heavy bags
13. Stop to talk to a homeless person
14. Give up your seat to someone on the bus or train
15. Give someone a book you think they’d like