Monday, January 08, 2018

Random Thoughts

  • I have no why anyone cares about the Kardashian's are (Robert was one of OJ's lawyers - beyond that I have no clue why anyone cares.) 
  • I don't understand why Star Wars and Star Trek are not part of the same story line.  Until the last couple of years, I thought the two were related. 
  • I find nothing "Real" about the "Real Housewives" of any place TV series. Those people are about as real as Trumps' greatness. 
  • I don't understand tattoos on the face or neck, a little to much for me. 


  1. I did know about Star Wars and Star Trek, but beyond that agree. There is absolutely nothing real about reality show these days, but I don't watch them anyway.

    I have a few friends with tattoos, and not small ones. It up to them, but I'd hate to see what they look like when their old and wrinkled.

  2. I don't get the fascination with the kraptrashians or duggars or real housewives or dancing with the stars or donald dump or or or...

    I don't get tats either, or stretched earlobes, but to each his/her own.

    I don't get most sports worship.

    I don't get today's movie makers.

    guess I am an old fart (shakes cane); you kids git offa my lawn!

    1. Anonymous1/08/2018

      Wha ha ha! fell of ma chair at that last one.

    2. You added to my list, I should have you edit before I post. I too am an old fart!

    3. @JP - well, I AM 63! ;-)

  3. Anonymous1/08/2018

    I am sorry to have to tell you I do watch "Made in Chelsea" and I am even more sorry to have to tell you I do enjoy it.

    1. I have not seen that one, doest it represent real life in London?

    2. Anonymous1/09/2018

      Not mine!

  4. I woke my husband up at 12:00 this morning because I was experiencing a slight pressure in my chest and enough discomfort to wake me up. It wasn't a heart attack, probably gas. Now, reading what you said about Star Trek and Star Wars, I may actually have a heart attack! I agree with everything else though.
