Sunday, May 14, 2017

Sunday Five

So you know that warning is there, because some idiot tried to eat the contents of this and got sick.  We all do stupid things from time to time, so here we are five questions about silly things.  

1: Have you ever ripped the tag off of a pillow, the one that says "UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THIS TAG NOT TO REMOVED EXCEPT BY THE CONSUMER"?  

2: Have you ever said, "hold my beer, your never going to believe this"? 

3: Have you ever ridden a motorcycle, without a helmet? 

4: Have you ever left on a car trip, without a map knowing how to get to where you are going? 

5: Have you ever accidentally crossed an international boarder? 

My answers: 
1: Have you ever ripped the tag off of a pillow, the one that says "UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THIS TAG NOT TO REMOVED EXCEPT BY THE CONSUMER"?  
Yes, it is legal to remove if you are the end user. 

2: Have you ever said, "hold my beer, your never going to believe this"? 
Nope, but I have held the beer, and helped stop the bleeding.  

3: Have you ever ridden a motorcycle, without a helmet? 
Yes, back when I had hair to blow in the wind. 

4: Have you ever left on a car trip, without a map, and not knowing how to get to where you are going? 
Oh yes, see my recent post about driving in London.  Then there was the time I left on vacation and had no idea where I was going.  I decided a couple of hundred miles up the road.  

5: Have you ever accidentally crossed an international boarder? 
I missed a turn in Germany, and drove into France for a minute.  

Your answers? 


  1. 1: hell yeah, they are annoying!
    2: no
    3: no
    4: no
    5: no
    to quote dr. spo, I lead a dull life.

  2. 1: Every.Single.Time.

    2: What? Give up my beer? How dare you!

    3: Yes, but it was back in the day when a helmet was more of a suggestion.

    4: A few times, and it's worked out well, whether or not we've gotten lost. Sometimes lost is a good thing.

    5: Maybe, maybe, I tiptoed in to Canada for a second.

  3. 1) cut 'em off baby, cut 'em off.
    2) Probably somewhere in a blackout.
    3) No, I rather dislike motorcycles.
    4) I am a map guy but yes, yes I have left my house in Virginia and found Myrtle Beach SC without a map. Now I haven't lin]ved in VA for a while. I don't ever think I've used a map to get to Palm Springs from here but it doesn't mean I haven't.
    5) Germany from Switzerland when visiting Basal.

  4. How is #5 possible?

    1. I missed a turn listening to Ms Garmin

  5. 1: Why would anyone leave a tag on? Although... it must be different here, because I just checked one of my new ones and there's nothing whatever about removing it - let alone penalty of law! Just stuff about care of and so on.

    2: No.

    3: No, and yes I did ride a motorbike back in my yoof. Apart from the fact it was, and still is of course, illegal here to ride one without wearing a helmet, I was an ICU nurse and watched a few too many people my age or younger die from their head injuries. Often caused by the idiot cars who smashed into them of course.
    End of sermon...

    4: Yes, because I am female and therefore not afraid to stop and ask for directions, lol.

    5: No, but only because I've only ever driven here in Oz.
