Thursday, December 29, 2016

Yes, It Is Real

I have a new addition to the collection on my desk, a taxidermy gator head. These are actually quite easy to find in Florida, they are described as "recycled scraps" from gator farming. He kind of reminds me of a few people - I won't say who.  A few years ago I saw a three foot taxidermy gator in an antique shop, and didn't buy it, I have regretted passing on that.  

I think I will put it on my desk in the office, it should scare the crap out of some people and gross out the vegetarians. 

What do you regret not buying when you had a chance? 


  1. the gator head looks like donald the dump, mouth open, spewing h8.

  2. I can't say I have regretted not buying anything. But the gator head reminds me of my friends in Harrisburg. He has taxidermy birds everywhere. Crows, peacocks, goose, ducks, a turkey, and even a cock in the kitchen.

    1. "even a cock in the kitchen" I bet it is a big one!

    2. A cock on the kitchen? Just simply civilized living!

    3. EVERYONE should have a cock in the kitchen!

  3. No!!! A great way to empty your office quickly! We saw an absolutely beautiful marble bust in an antique shop in Boston in the early '80s. We still regret not buying it. On the subject of dead animals, however, we did buy a stuffed rattlesnake in the early '80s. We ALWAYS regretted making THAT purchase. Every time we had house guests, we had to move it from wherever it was. Someone was always made uncomfortable by it. It started in the living room, had to moved to a back bedroom. Then, of course, no one would sleep there. We finally gave it to a thrift shop before moving to Spain.

  4. Microsoft stock.



  5. oh lots, I try not to dwell on them.
