Friday, February 12, 2016

February 12 on 12

Underway very early
How early was it?
How cold was it?
Into the mountains with the rising sun

I drove in snow flurries at higher elevations for a couple of hours
West Virginia State Capital

Early check in - Thank You Holiday Inn Express

It is Thursday, I owe myself 30 minutes of treadmill time

I nice afternoon power nap
Waiting for Tim

I should have had another, at $4.95 I really should have

I have known Tim for over 20 years, time flies when you are having fun
Waiting for a call from the sweet bear


  1. LOOKING GOOD, PENGUIN! the gym is paying off for you. and tim is no slouch in the looks department either.

    have a nice weekend!

  2. My Mom was from Charleston, WV.



  3. Tim is uncanny he is the love child of two of my friends. Awesome.

    1. Is it me or did Spo just take this post from a G to a PG-13 rating?
