Sunday, September 02, 2007

2nd Anniversary

It has been two years and roughly 165 postings since I started sharing my adventures with my friends here on The Adventures of Travel Penguin. I have done my best to take you along on my memorable, if somewhat unconventional adventures. I hope that we have kept you entertained and made you laugh once in a while. I hope we have not made anyone cry. DG tells me that he has enough pictures stored up to post a couple of times a week for the next 3-4 months. In that time we will be in the air to Atlanta, Washington DC twice, and San Diego gathering new material to keep us going.

We really love reading your comments. Even when you hijack my blog, it is fun to read. (Hint, post more comments, PLEASE!)

When you have a minutes join me in a toast to celebrate 2 wonderful years and many more to come.



  1. Since I'm parked outside the (closed) public library relying on their free wireless in place of my non-existent Mediacom piece of crap modem that mocks me.... I'll join you in raising an invisible 'toast' to two years.


  2. Contrats! I'm looking forward to many, many more posts.

  3. Only two seemed so much longer.

    Way to go TR. two great years of posting. I'm look forward to many more.

  4. Anonymous9/04/2007

    Ah, the 2nd is a good day. 2 year's for your blog and 32 year's since I put my poor mother through 13 hours of hell giving birth to me. Yep, it's a good day.

  5. Regarding that picture - no comment.

  6. And the party is still going....wahoo

  7. And just like the bunny, the party just keeps going and going and going....
