Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A little place in the English Countryside

Millions of people dream about owning a little place in the English countryside. A weekend get-away. Here is a fine example. Nothing fancy or flashey, just a few dozen rooms and plenty of space for friends to park when they come to visit. I could see myself feathering this as a nice little weekend nest. DG needs to win the power-ball lottery . . . and SOON!


The crenulated tower would come in handy when old "You Know Who" decides to invade with his band of merry rodents.


  1. Anonymous8/29/2007

    Looks like plenty of room for a microbrewery set-up. Heck, I bet we could even squeeze a full size Velodrome Still in there.

  2. Travel... Sweetheart... Now would I ever lay seige to you???

  3. I'll man the wort chiller. Also, can I take a nap in the hop room?
