Monday, June 25, 2007

And Great Food Too

We were in Louisville for a few days late last week for a Bar convention, no not that kind of bar, a gathering of lawyers from across the state. The lawyers were so thick you couldn't slip and fall without landing on one. What would a Bar convention be without a visit to a bar or two. Marker's Mark has their own with an incredible selection of really good things to drink and really great food. You may go in for the Bourbon, but you will stay for the food.

We are off to Alaska on Tuesday, returning over the weekend with new pictures. (I am going to start a waiting list of people who want to be me, but believe me it is not all fun and glamour!)



  1. Doon't believe him. It really is all fun and glamor. I know!

  2. Where are you going in Alaska? I just love Alaska.

    Have fun.

    "It really is all fun and glamor. I know!"

    Fun maybe..Glamor, never.

  3. so glad you explained about the bar ;)


    Been to Peru lately? :)

  5. Anonymous6/25/2007

    We are going to Anchorage with a float plane tour to Mt. McKinley and Denali National Park Scheduled for Wednesday morning.


  6. Anonymous6/25/2007

    Mrs. Squirrel LOVES Maker's Mark. In fact I have to hide the bottle when I go out on trips because said bottle will be empty when I return.

    I do have a barrel in their barrel house right now with my name on it, hopefully I get a shot at a bottle from it when it is done.

  7. Anonymous6/26/2007

    Bourbon tends to evaporate rapidly; maybe that explains the empty bottles. Living here I am becoming a fan of the small batch, single barrel specials.


  8. How did you get your name on a barrel? We live here and don't know how you do that... Obsession with hard liquor is understandable, Mrs. Sq is a lawyer after all, isn't she?

  9. Although your travelling sounds marvelous I have to admit that I'm a homebody at heart. Since I also have this thing called a 'husband' and attachments that go by the names of 'children' I guess the travel thing becomes a whole lot more complicated!

    So... about you and your giant friends being in Peru... hmmmm.

  10. Anonymous6/26/2007

    "How did you get your name on a barrel?"

    Go to Maker's Mark's website and signup to be an Ambassador. Once you do, they put about 20 names on a brass plaque and attached it to a barrel. You can even check it on online to see where in the barrel house it is.

  11. Merrit - The URL you mentioned leads to an articel about young British children joining MENSA. Apparently it's the wrong URL; nothing about Peru (or giant rodents). Also, travel is possioble if you're willing to be creative. Send husband to IHOP and children to convent school, and you're suddenly off to St. Tropez!

  12. Send husband to IHOP??? OMG that is just too funny, but true.
