Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Daddy needs to win the lottery!

One of the official 2007 Indianapolis 500 pace cars. I want one.



  1. Me too, but I'd be afraid to drive it. I'd just sit in it in the driveway and listen to the radio.

  2. Anonymous5/22/2007

    I watched a neighbor not to long ago blindly back out of his driveway right into the side of a new Z06 that was passing by and still had it's temporary registration in the window and no license plates yet. I never asked him, but I'm sure it was expensive...

  3. Oh, I've got that one.

    It's not that great... really.

    I drive one of the other 14 far more often than that one. It's just not all it's cracked up to be.

  4. wait! that's the color Meritt needs for the espresso benches!

  5. I so need on of those little go fast type of cars. The way I drive my little truck now, you would think that I have that little sports car anyway. Just ask Mr. Squirrel.

  6. monkeydragon... that is what I thought too!!!

    When I look at the color scheme of the table runner I decided I needed a bronzey color to go with my ivory. The problem is I am trying to do it on ZERO budget.

