Sunday, March 02, 2025

The Sunday Five: Shoes

1: Do you prefer shoes that are comfortable or stylish? 

2: Do you wear shoes in the house when you are at home? 

3: About how many pairs of shoes do you currently own? 

4: When was the last time you had a pair of shoes resoled or otherwise repaired? 

5: When the weather allows, do you prefer to wear shoes or go barefoot? 

My answers: 

1: Do you prefer shoes that are comfortable or stylish?  Comfort - this has changed over the decades. 

2: Do you wear shoes in the house when you are at home? No, they come off and go in the closet as soon as I come in the house. 

3: About how many pairs of shoes do you currently own? About 30, then there is the big suitcase in the back corner of the closet that has probably another dozen in it. Yes, I had to go count. 

4: When was the last time you had a pair of shoes resoled or otherwise repaired? Probably 40 years ago. 

5: When the weather allows, do you prefer to wear shoes or go barefoot?  Barefoot, when I lived in Florida I would drive without shoes much of the year. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 1. Comfort all the way.
    2. I wear slippers in the house. Neuropathy you know. I also stepped on a sewing needle hiding in an ugly shag rug when I was about ten. Totally traumatized me.
    3. I lost count at 50. With my feet issues (not to mention size) when I find shoes that are comfortable and fit, I get them in various colors.
    4. Never
    5. Shoes. See #2

    1. Great to hear from you, take care of those feet, we need you.

  2. 1. They don't have to be separate requirements. I like both qualities.
    2. Not for long. Just to and from my bedroom where I put them on or take them off.
    3. Shoes defined by what I would leave home while wearing? Two, and one pair is for weddings, funerals etc.
    4. Maybe a resole about forty years ago.
    5. Barefoot occasionally at home in warm weather.

    1. I walk to and from my bedroom closet with my shoes on.

  3. 1: Do you prefer shoes that are comfortable or stylish? Comfortable.
    2: Do you wear shoes in the house when you are at home? Sometimes but mostly I wear slippers - I bought my very first pair just three years ago!
    3: About how many pairs of shoes do you currently own? Five pairs.
    4: When was the last time you had a pair of shoes resoled or otherwise repaired? 1979
    5: When the weather allows, do you prefer to wear shoes or go barefoot? Shoes - unless I am on a beach or by a swimming pool. Do sandals count as shoes? Also do walking boots count as shoes?

    P.S. How do you think a double amputee would feel about this particular edition of "The Sunday Five"?

    1. Sandals and boots count. My old friend Bob, would enjoy this, he had a three day tour of Vietnam in 1968 that ended badly. He wore stylish shoes, comfort was not an issue. The first time I met Bob he said you will never forget my name. He told a bad joke, "what do you call a guy in a swimming pool with no legs - Bob. Then he dropped his artificial leg and described his short time as a Marine. I have never forgotten his name.

  4. 1: Do you prefer shoes that are comfortable or stylish? Yes
    2: Do you wear shoes in the house when you are at home? Sometimes
    3: About how many pairs of shoes do you currently own? Only about a dozen. An unusually small amount for me.
    4: When was the last time you had a pair of shoes resoled or otherwise repaired? A couple of years ago.
    5: When the weather allows, do you prefer to wear shoes or go barefoot? City living. Shoes.

    1. One advantage of growing up on the farm, was barefoot summers.

    2. We would walk barefoot back from the beach, but our parents didn’t approve. My father said, Who knows what you’ll step in. My mother said, I didn’t pay all that money for good shoes so you’d end up with calluses. At least my father made sense.

  5. 1. Opt for comfort first, but you can find stylish and comfortable.
    2. Never.
    3. TOO many. I wear only a few pair.
    4. I don't think I've ever resoled. But it's been a few years since polishing them.
    5. Shoes. I've stepped on bees / wasps before; pricker, animal droppings. I will go barefoot at the beach.

    1. Florida has a weed with a prickly seed, known as a sandspur, very painful to step on.

  6. 1: Do you prefer shoes that are comfortable or stylish? Why can't I have both!
    2: Do you wear shoes in the house when you are at home? Rarely.
    3: About how many pairs of shoes do you currently own? Maybe twenty, which I'm thinking is too much so I should thin the herd.
    4: When was the last time you had a pair of shoes resoled or otherwise repaired? I cannot remember.
    5: When the weather allows, do you prefer to wear shoes or go barefoot? Barefoot. Maybe a flip-flop if I'm dealing with the public.

    1. Flip flops are considered formal in the south, and Hawaii.

  7. 1. Comfortable! With sexy, sexy orthotics in them.
    2. I don't wear outside shoes in the house, but sturdy shoe-like slippers. Diabetics must always guard against foot injuries. A foot injury gone bad can lead to amputation.
    3. Four pairs -- two outside pairs, two pairs of slippers.
    4. Resoling or repairing shoes? Last time was when I was in university 45 years ago and was too poor to afford new shoes.
    5. Diabetics can never go barefoot, even on the beach. Sand can cut like glass. That's why we can't even wear sandals or open-toed shoes.

    1. Protect your feet, and they will take you many places.

  8. 1: Do you prefer shoes that are comfortable or stylish? Both, they have to be comfortable but the must look good.
    2: Do you wear shoes in the house when you are at home? I wear "around the house" shoes.
    3: About how many pairs of shoes do you currently own? I'm going to guess around 60 to 70. There was a time in the past when it was even more but at my age now, the high-heels are all gone.
    4: When was the last time you had a pair of shoes resoled or otherwise repaired? probably 3 years ago.
    5: When the weather allows, do you prefer to wear shoes or go barefoot? wear shoes.

    1. I have a couple of pairs of "dress shoes" left, most are like your heels, gone.

  9. 1: Do you prefer shoes that are comfortable or stylish? Comfortable but stylish
    2: Do you wear shoes in the house when you are at home? Sometimes, but usually it's barefoot, socks, or slippers.
    3: About how many pairs of shoes do you currently own? 30ish...doing some mental counting here. A few are seasonal - boots - and probably 7 pair of high heals that are occasionally worn
    4: When was the last time you had a pair of shoes resoled or otherwise repaired? 10 years ago. When my husband worked I took his shoes to be resoled. I loved going in that shop. All the oils and shoe polish smelled so good. The shop closed shortly after I picked up that pair of shoes 10 years ago. Another vanishing trade.
    5: When the weather allows, do you prefer to wear shoes or go barefoot? Barefoot.

    1. There was a shoe repair shop in the lower lobby of the building my last office was in.

  10. 1. Comfort
    2. Yes
    3. 10 maybe?
    4. never
    5. never barefoot!

    1. More people who don't go barefoot than I expected.

  11. 1. Comfort - my back acts up if I stand on concrete for long periods. I also want a good tread. Who needs to be a 'slip and fall'?
    2. I wear Crocs in the privacy of my own home with the shades drawn.
    3. Guessing about a dozen, although I only wear 3 pair regularly
    4. Can't remember, although when I switched criteria to comfort from stylish, the quality dropped so that it was less expensive to replace shoes rather than repair them.
    5. Never barefoot - no matter the weather, I want a good, secure tread.

    Will Jay

    1. Don't tell Maddie, I own a pair of crocs.

    2. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll break your neck!

  12. Do you prefer shoes that are comfortable or stylish? I or in drag...always style. Most of my shoes are actually comfortable while being stylish. Drag shoes were always platform or 6" heels.

    Do you wear shoes in the house when you are at home? No, barefoot on the house.

    About how many pairs of shoes do you currently own? About 35, and 15 of them are different colors of All Stars Chuck Taylors.

    When was the last time you had a pair of shoes resoled or otherwise repaired? Never, I toss them, though we do have a shoe cobbler up the road.

    When the weather allows, do you prefer to wear shoes or go barefoot? Both. Nothing like soft summer grass under your feet.


    1. I haven't had the Crocs out in a few years. Shoes are not the only thing you have been known to take off on a warm summer day.

  13. 1: Do you prefer shoes that are comfortable or stylish? comfortable
    2: Do you wear shoes in the house when you are at home? I try not to; shoes bring in filth.

    3: About how many pairs of shoes do you currently own? About eight, half I don't wear.

    4: When was the last time you had a pair of shoes resoled or otherwise repaired? nearby is a shoe repair store. I keep redoing the heels rather than buying new ones.

    5: When the weather allows, do you prefer to wear shoes or go barefoot? Barefoot in the backyard at most, and I have to be careful here.

    1. Many spikey things on the ground in warm climates.
