Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Sunday Five: Keeping Track

1: How do you keep track of the passage of days? 

2: How do you keep track of staying active? 

3: How do you keep track of what you have read? 

4: How do you keep track of travel and other adventures? 

5: Is your blog keeping track of your life? 

My answers: 

1: How do you keep track of the passage of days? I am in the 15th month of the daily selfie blog. 

2: How do you keep track of staying active? I don't, for years I kept running and workout log books, when I stopped running I stopped keeping them.  Walking an hour a day is a habit, I know I did it without writing it down. 

3: How do you keep track of what you have read? One of the first blog posts I start each year, is my year end list of books I have read. 

4: How do you keep track of travel and other adventures? This year marks 20 years of keep a travel and hotel log, I have written down every hotel I have stayed in. I have spent two years out of the past 20 years, away from home. 

5: Is your blog keeping track of your life? In many ways, it is that and more. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. 5- My blog does keep a daily log of my life and times in a sort of way.

    1,2,3,4.... I don't go out of way to track or log many of these things. It takes to much time logging and keeping track and not enjoying.

    1. You are more relaxed than I am.

  2. 1. I usually wake, knowing what day it is.
    2. I occasionally check my step counter to view the disappointing counts. I think I average about 4000 now. It was over 6000 during Covid years, 10,000 at times when travelling.
    3. I don't, and Amazon Kindle alerts me to not buy a book I've already read. It didn't work for the hard copy book I already owned and had read, but forgotten.
    4. I've always written dot point notes when travelling, and fleshed it all out later in my old and new blogs.
    5. Very much so.
    PS. If you were in the driving seat in the photo, I would be worried about a Demon Driver on the loose. You've lined up the pedestrian target, and set to accelerate.

    1. Dot point notes - I like that phrase. I was waiting at a traffic light when I took the photo.

  3. 1: How do you keep track of the passage of days? Blogging
    2: How do you keep track of staying active? Blogging
    3: How do you keep track of what you have read? Blogging
    4: How do you keep track of travel and other adventures? Blogging
    5: Is your blog keeping track of your life? Nope.

    (My answer to Q5 was a joke!)

    1. My first giggle of the morning.

  4. 1. The blog archive tells me what numbered day of the year it is. I mean, it wouldn't if I didn't blog daily.
    2. My Apple Watch has a few ways of tracking that. Their own exercise ring thing - and I have separate running apps that give all kinds of info.
    3. Just in my head. But I know the number of books I've read so far this year.
    4. Photos. I always take pics to which I can refer to as needed.
    5. Not 100%. But a good 83%.

    1. Do we leave the best parts out of our blogs?

  5. 1: How do you keep track of the passage of days? Blogging helps with that.
    2: How do you keep track of staying active? I just do.
    3: How do you keep track of what you have read? I don’t.
    4: How do you keep track of travel and other adventures? Memories, pictures.
    5: Is your blog keeping track of your life? In many ways, yes.

    1. A record of the moves would fill a small book.

  6. I have a daytimer to keep track of appointments, classes, meetups, etc. Apart from that, I track none of the things in your questions. Because my blog is not a "personal account" type of blog, it doesn't really keep systematic track of my life and goings-on.

    1. I keep an electronic calendar, I have for 25 years.

  7. 1: How do you keep track of the passage of days? I wake up every day???
    2: How do you keep track of staying active? I think I just do; I don't track it, though.
    3: How do you keep track of what you have read? I keep the books, mostly.
    4: How do you keep track of travel and other adventures? Photos.
    5: Is your blog keeping track of your life? A little bit, not every day.

    1. A person's bookcases, tells you a lot about the person.

  8. 1: How do you keep track of the passage of days? I use the calendar on my phone but I seem to have a natural instinct to know what day it is.
    2: How do you keep track of staying active? I don't. It has become habit to get up and move.
    3: How do you keep track of what you have read? I don't. I guess I should.
    4: How do you keep track of travel and other adventures? I have notes on my phone of all my foreign trips. I should probably add other trips to that list.
    5: Is your blog keeping track of your life? Yes, in a way it does.

    1. The photos track your adventures.

  9. 1: How do you keep track of the passage of days? 1.My Garmin watch tells me the date. 2. I have a good ole wall calendar where I write appointments, birthdays, travel dates, and whatever else I want. It's a visual picture of the whole month. I jot down things I want to remember in a journal.
    2: How do you keep track of staying active? I don't keep track of my activities. I walk everyday, bike riding is coming soon!, yoga 3-4 times/week. I can tell if I miss a couple days of doing some kind of movement.
    3: How do you keep track of what you have read? Write it in my journal.
    4: How do you keep track of travel and other adventures? Journaling and sometimes on a note in my phone.
    5: Is your blog keeping track of your life? Yes but it isn't a daily record of my life. Like you, it's much more.

    1. I haven't kept a written journal in a long time.

  10. 1. My pill box shows me what day it is each morning.
    2. I don't
    3. I don't
    4. I don't
    5. I don't have a blog.

    1. Pill box, that was something I hadn't thought of.
