Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Sunday Five: Gone to the Dogs

1: Do you trust unfamiliar dogs? 

2: Have you ever been bitten by a dog? 

3: Is a dog a member of your household? 

4: Did you have dogs in the family when you were growing up? 

5: Should he get a third dog? 

My Answers: 

1: Do you trust unfamiliar dogs? No, I sit quietly and wait for them to approach quietly. 

2: Have you ever been bitten by a dog? No

3: Is a dog a member of your household? No

4: Did you have dogs in the family when you were growing up? My father had a hunting dog, an outdoor only dog. 

5: Should he get a third dog? Where would he put the third lead? 

Please share your answers in the comments. 


  1. Do you trust unfamiliar dogs? Yes, but one must be able to read them first, and use caution and patience, on their terms.

    Have you ever been bitten by a dog? No.
    Is a dog a member of your household? Yes, a dog makes a home.
    Did you have dogs in the family when you were growing up? Yes, Always one.
    Should he get a third dog? It's up to him, but he can always get one of those split leads to walk them all on.

  2. 1. I trust most dogs. It's unfamiliar owners I have a problem with.
    2. Never been bitten by a dog. A rabbit got me once, though.
    3. We have two. A Maltese and a Bichon poo.
    4. Growing up we always had dogs and cats. There was also an occasional bunny or two. Also, a drunken pheasant. Long story.
    5. He should get as many as he can take care of. He should also try finding some shorts that fit as he may want to have children someday, or pee even.

    1. A rabbit and a pheasant, you have so many stories to be told.

  3. 1: Do you trust unfamiliar dogs? I’m careful.
    2: Have you ever been bitten by a dog? No.
    3: Is a dog a member of your household? No
    4: Did you have dogs in the family when you were growing up? Briefly.
    5: Should he get a third dog? You’d have to ask the other two dogs.

    1. It can be a challenge getting dogs to focus long enough to answer.

  4. 1: Do you trust unfamiliar dogs? No.
    2: Have you ever been bitten by a dog? Yes.
    3: Is a dog a member of your household? No.
    4: Did you have dogs in the family when you were growing up? No. Cats.
    5: Should he get a third dog? Where would he put the third lead? Oh you mean the man in the photo? I do not think he should get a third dog so the lead dilemma would not occur.

    1. We had indoor cats when I was growing up.

  5. 1. Mostly. You can usually pick a dog who may be wary and it can be partly how you approach them.
    2. Yes, bitten on my little finger when I was quite young and I approached a stray dog that was eating. I have a scar. Also when our dog grew enough that he could no longer fit through the cat flap and became stuck. He panicked and bit me but not very hard.
    3. No, but we did see two dogs from pups to death.
    4. Yes, outdoor farm dogs.
    5. Yes, he could do with more exercise and there must be somewhere to attach a third lead.

    1. The third lead, Talk about being led around by the

  6. 1. I do - whether I should or not. It will get me bit someday.
    2. Yes. a few times.
    3. I think you know that answer. : )
    4. We did.
    5. I start to worry people are animal hoarders. I don't know I could handle two. Now on crutches, I can't handle one.

    1. You will soon be back to master of the hound.

  7. 1: Do you trust unfamiliar dogs? I treat them gently, but I am not afraid of them.
    2: Have you ever been bitten by a dog? Yes, never a bad bite, but kind of scary nonetheless.
    3: Is a dog a member of your household? Not since we lost Ozzo; we are thinking of fostering a dog.
    4: Did you have dogs in the family when you were growing up? Always.
    5: Should he get a third dog? His choice, I guess, but start with a better fitting pair of shorts.

    1. Tighter, he could find a third dog and a husband that way.

  8. 1: Do you trust unfamiliar dogs? I don't approach unfamiliar dogs but if one comes to me with a wagging tail, I will give it some scritches.
    2: Have you ever been bitten by a dog? Yes.
    3: Is a dog a member of your household? Haven't had a dog since 2021. I miss the companionship and comfort but now my dog fix comes from my kids' and friends' dogs.
    4: Did you have dogs in the family when you were growing up? No.
    5: Should he get a third dog? It would upset the photo's symmetry.

    1. There is a nice balance in the photo.

  9. 1. No
    2. No
    3 No
    4. Yes, we got a dog when I was in high school
    5. I don't know?!

    1. I wonder if, there is a correlation between having dogs when growing up, and having dogs as an adult?

  10. 1: Do you trust unfamiliar dogs? Most of the time. I know when to back away.
    2: Have you ever been bitten by a dog? No but I have been snapped at.
    3: Is a dog a member of your household? Not at the moment.
    4: Did you have dogs in the family when you were growing up? Yes, we always had a dog or two. I miss not having one right now.
    5: Should he get a third dog? Why not? I have a friend who has 6.

    1. Six is almost a dog sled team.

  11. 1. Not really. This takes mutual assessment.
    2. No
    3. Kinda - I'm looking after a friend's dog while he is recovering from knee surgery. She is a sweetie pie.
    4.Not while I was growing up. I've adopted two rescues as an adult.
    5.Maybe. If the dogs are tepermentally aligned I can walk four at once (all leads in the left hand which leaves the right hand for the bag business. I will coach him if he needs it.

    Will Jay

    1. Sounds like a fun coaching project.

  12. I couldn't get past of the photo.
