Wednesday, September 18, 2024

My World of Wonders aka The Wednesday Ws September 18, 2024

What put a smile on my face this week?  Last Friday I spoke on legal ethics and clients with dementia at a conference.  It was the first time I had spoken to a live in-person audience in 11 months (did my last webinar in December.) I was a little worried, I needn't have been. Within minutes of taking to the stage I settled into an irreverent rhythm. My timing was a little off, but they laughed at my jokes, asked great questions.  I have to remember that training was one of the parts of my work for 25 years that I most enjoyed, it still makes me smile. 

Where have I been this week?  The farmers market, Richmond Virginia to speak, George Washington's Mt Vernon, and drove to Cleveland to visit family. 

What surprised me this week? When I left for the farmers market on Saturday morning, sparrows had built a nest on my little car.  I know I don't move it often - about once a week. But the nest was a unexpected. 

Who have I talked with this week?  The sweet bear, and a whole room full of fellow lawyers at the conference last Friday.  I drove down the evening before and had dinner with the planning committee and other speakers. 

Where to next? Michigan and Indiana. 

How was traffic? Dead stopped coming around the DC beltway, we got off and found the back roads. 

What have I seen? On Saturday we went to Mt Vernon for the annual Colonial Fair. The weather was wonderful, the place was packed, and many many vendors this year. 

What was the highlight on television this week?  One for the Road, the final episode of The Grand Tour.  It is good, sad to see the trio call it quits, but I fully understand it is time.  

What made me go, huh! this week?  Entering Ohio on the turnpike from Pennsylvania, Ohio hasn't installed high speed toll transponder readers yet, you have to wait for the gate to go up. 

What is my Wish for the week? Fun and easy travels.  


  1. Fun and easy is my middle name.

  2. Wishing you everything fun and easy.

  3. At the annual Colonial Fair did you and The Bear Hamster have to dress up in colonial uniforms with white knee socks, buckled shoes, tricorne hats and dark jackets with brass buttons?

    1. We left that to the professionals and Hessians

  4. The Colonial Fair sounds fun!

  5. Fun and easy is good.
    Glad you got your speech back after a while away. I imagine it took a hot minute to get your mojo back.

    1. I was surprised how quick I was back on stage.

  6. That bird nest must have been a big surprise. Hope you are having lots of fun travels this week.

    1. So far so much fun on the travels, road trip.

  7. You are such an easy going guy , that’s why we all love u

    1. It is easier to live in a no drama zone.

  8. I'm glad you enjoy your travels so much! You have been a busy retiree!

  9. I thought you had retired!

    1. Yes, well, they offered to pay me to do something I love doing.

  10. Replies
    1. Good to hear, winter will be here soon enough.

  11. I would love to hear you speak !

    1. I have spoken at a couple of medical conferences, they are usually at nice places.

  12. Oh dear. Gates on a major road. That must be 'interesting'.
