Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Thursday Ramble: Something about this painting

The remnants of a tropical storm blew through last Friday, it was cool, only getting up to 82(f), with light rain. I took advantage of the day to take the train into the city for a walk.  It started to rain, so I went into the National Gallery of Art to walk.  I can walk in their for a couple of hours. Much of it remains constant, the sculpture changes little, the religious art changes little.  There was a new exhibition of photographs, that was hosting a press event and not open to the public. 

Up on the top floor there is a new exhibit of paintings from the renaissance. A lot of Dutch and Flemish masters, and England. And a room filled with masterworks from Florence in Italy. I like this stuff.  I remember the first time I encountered a wall full of it in the National Portrait Gallery in London back in 1990.  I sat down and stared for five minutes.  My soon to be ex, thought I had lost my mind.  On the contrary, I think I had found it.  

After walking for about an hour, I sat down for a few minutes on a very comfy grey leather chair.  I watched the people, and I spent a few minutes looking closely at the paintings around me. My style is usually to glance and walk, glance and walk, but not really linger of paintings. Sitting there I lingered.  

The painting above caught my eye.  It also caught the eye of other passers by who stopped to study, to read the curators notes, and stare some more.  It is a portrait of a Medici who was assassinated.  In all likelihood it was painted after his death. That explains some of it, but there is still something that looks strange.  To me, it looks like they painted his head on backwards, or his face on the back of his head with his hair over where his face should be.  Now maybe he was just a strange looking guy.  But the squareness of the shoulders, and lack of any shape in the torso, makes it look more like his back, than his front.  


  1. The Medici's? They were once one of Italy's most powerful and wealthiest of families. Just saw a whole show on PBS about them....huge art patrons too. But your right, the painting is bizarre. I don't know I'd trust Giuliano for a minute what with that cape on backwards.

    1. When we were in Florence, we stayed in a hotel, across the street from the Chappel.

  2. I think it looks like his head is backwards because of the collar of the robe being higher at the front and quite low at the back.

    1. There is something strange about it.

  3. Ha! I always thought it looked like his head was on backwards in that painting, too.

  4. Yes. That is exactly what I thought. His head is on backwards - perhaps to further indicate that his life was extinguished. To me the image looks rushed and does not represent the best of Botticelli's artistry. Perhaps he painted it in anger soon after the assassination. He just wanted to get his feelings out there.

    1. I imagine there is more to the story of how and when it was created.

    2. I just read that there were several versions of the same painting. The one in Washington is not wholly unique.

  5. My first thought before even reading any text was that the head was on backwards.

  6. He put his shirt on back to front; that's all. Why did no-one tell him!

  7. I see what you mean. It certainly does look like his head is on backwards. Interesting painting.

  8. Yes, I noticed that too. And while the placard says it was painted by Botticelli, I suspect it was actually painted by one of his atelier students or apprentices in the Botticelli style. Botticelli was a much, MUCH better artist than that.

  9. I see what you mean about the painting seeming odd. He certainly had a beak on him, too, if this work is accurate.

    1. My sister always said I had a big nose.

  10. That's the first thing I thought when I saw that picture on your blog - backwards!
    Your post prompted me to go back through your blog to learn about your ex and then to find when you married your husband.
    How lucky you are to be so happy together!

    1. My history is long and complicated at times

  11. Owl can twist there head backward.

  12. Hey! I recognize this painting right off !
