Wednesday, July 10, 2024

My World of Wonders, aka The Wednesday Ws July 10, 2024

What made me smile this week? In the first week of the 2024 Tour de France, Binuam Girmay, has won two stages of.  Girmay is from Eritrea, he is the first black rider to ever win a stage in the Tour de France, the first stage win for the team he is on, and he did it twice in the first week.  His sprint is amazing when he has a nice clean line.  He appears to a gentle sportsman, working his way out front then sprinting.  For too long professional cycling has been dominated by skinny white guys.  Ability, talent, and hard training comes in all colors.  

Where have I been this week?  Home, the gym, the pool, the grocery store, the Grill for dinner with a table full of friends, into the city for a meeting at my former office. 

Who have I traded messages with? My sister, Spo, Mitchell, my nephew, my replacement, my former boss, collaborators on a project, 

What have I been reading? Remembrance of Things Paris, a collection of essays and articles about food in Paris edited by Ruth Reichl - it was fun reading, lots of brilliant writing, and The Three-Martini Playdate by Christie Mellor not really as good as I had hoped.  I have a fresh stack from the library. 

What has me worried? My sister has had a setback. Overmedication and she fell at home, and is dealing with neck and back injuries.  

What is the weather like? Hot, Monday afternoon I parked my car in the shade in a garage, when I came back it was indicating 100 degrees (F), and it is humid.  It looks like it is going to be a long hot summer. 

What am I writing? This blog, an article on retirement plans and reality, a consulting report, and soon a chapter on legal ethics when working with an adult who has experienced abuse.  

What am I listening to this week?  The Tour de France, live coverage starts early most mornings and runs for 5-6 hours. 

What about the photo above? The Condo community hosts a 4th of July parade. This year the parade formed in front of our building (there are four residential towers, a large community center, and a single story residential building that mirrors half of the floor plan of the first tower - it was built as models when the buildings were being started.) This was one of the parade participants. 


  1. What is wrong with skinny white guys? I was once one. Yes, it is good to see 'others' as worthy competitors.

    1. He finished 2nd yesterday. This is his first tour. He is young.

  2. I was pleased to see a person of color win a couple of stages in the Tour de France; I was stunned it had never happened before.

    I was also stunned by the Revolutionary War iPhone!

    1. If they knew then, what we know now.

  3. It is hot. You should put your undies in the freezer before putting them will keep you cool!

  4. Oh, I am sorry to hear about your sister. Hope she will recover quickly.

    1. She is back home again, with more monitoring.

  5. Like Ellen, I am sorry to hear about your sister. Good to hear that the white monopoly in the Tour de France is finally being broken. Go Binuam!

    1. He finished 2nd on the latest spring finish.

  6. I heard an interview with Ruth Reichl recently on CBC radio. Her new novel, "The Paris Novel," sounds great and I am actually thinking of reading it.

    1. I enjoy her writing, she is a little wordy.

  7. It appears that high heat is everywhere these days.

    1. North America is baking this summer.

  8. So sorry to read about your sister. Hope she recovers well from this and things improve.

    1. They adjusted her medications and sent her home with a continuous monitor. She had a nasty fall at home last weekend.
