Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Sunday Five: Pier Runners

 One of the entertainments on a cruise, is watching for the pier runners when the ship is getting ready to depart.  There is a final boarding time, and the general rule, is if you are late and it is not the cruise line or one of their contractors fault, you are left behind.  The ship does not wait. The couple getting out of the police car above, were about 20 minutes late and the ship sent the police to drive them the last half mile down the pier. 

1: Would you cheer for the pier runner or laugh at them? 

2: Have you ever missed a flight because you were late? 

3: Have you ever missed the boat? 

4: What is your idea of "on time?" 

5: What is your best "they were late" story? 

My answers: 

1: Would you cheer for the pier runner or laugh at them? Sending the police for them, I found funny, this happened in two ports.  

2: Have you ever missed a flight because you were late? I have missed a connection because my incoming flight was late, but I have never been late to the airport for the first flight. 

3: Have you ever missed the boat? Only on good looks. 

4: What is your idea of "on time?" I was raised that is you were not 15 minutes early, you were late, I have narrowed that down to 5 minutes or so. 

5: What is your best "they were late" story? My dear Aunt was always late, she was 20 minutes late to her own funeral.  There had been a storm the night before and a bridge was washed out forcing everyone to find an alternate route.  

Please share your answers in the comments.  Have fun and be creative. 


  1. 1. The police here have far better things to do than transport probably time keeping careless passengers. I would glare at them.
    2. Not my style to miss anything by being late.
    3. In some ways yes but nothing too important.
    4. I'd rather people be five minutes late rather than five minutes early. On time is best.
    5. Being late for your own funeral is a saying and I've never heard it happening until now.

    1. The police officer was having fun, and encouraging the crowd.

  2. 1: Would you cheer for the pier runner or laugh at them? I’d just shake my head in incredulity, and annoyance that the police had to waste their time.
    2: Have you ever missed a flight because you were late? Amazingly, no.
    3: Have you ever missed the boat? Well... I think I’ve often “missed the boat.”
    4: What is your idea of "on time?" Depends on the circumstances. “On time” is usually early. “Right on time” is to the minute.
    5: What is your best "they were late" story? I haven’t got one.

    1. We have a friend who is so ontime, you could set your clocks by her arrival.

  3. 1. I doubt I'd cheer for them. But I'd watch with relish if they did or did not make it,
    2. For as much as I traveled - never.
    3. Metaphorically yes.
    4. If you show up at 08:00 for an 08:00 meeting, you're late.
    5. My pet peeve is being late. So I never am. I'm usually killing time so people don't think I'm too early. I don't have a good late story

    1. I was raised in an if you are not early, you are late household.

  4. 1: Would you cheer for the pier runner or laugh at them? Laugh, and be annoyed that the police had to get involved with such careless people.
    2: Have you ever missed a flight because you were late? Twice, connecting flights because the first plane was late.
    3: Have you ever missed the boat? In many ways but never an actual boat!
    4: What is your idea of "on time?" My father raised us to believe early was on time, on time was late and late was never acceptable.
    5: What is your best "they were late" story? I cannot think of one and, as stated above, I am never late by my own fault.

    1. I have missed a couple of connections, ended up in Germany that way one time.

  5. I'm always early. It's just my way and I can't stand to cut it close as I worry too much about possible problems.

  6. 1. I've been on several cruises and I can honestly say that I never noticed pier runners.
    2. We've missed a flight once when we treated my in-laws to a trip to SF with us. We were early to catch the flight back to San Diego. Father-in-law got hungry and refused to eat anything until the last minute. After turning down burgers right and left he got one at the last minute. We got to the plane just as they closed the door. Balder was seething. It was a stubbornly silent flight back.
    3. Never missed a boat. I'm way too anal. Balder almost missed the bus back to the ship on our fifteenth anniversary to Hawaii. He decided to climb up a volcano or something. I stayed with the bus. It got full and somebody went to get him. Oh the scathing looks. I pretended I didn't know him but I'm glad they waited.
    4. My idea of on time is to get there before anything starts. I like to get to the movie theater before the previews start because I can't see in the dark. Balder has the late gene so I ended up in a man's lap because of the dark. It wasn't pleasant and I don't think the guy enjoyed being squished either.
    5. See #s 2 and 4. As for being late for their funeral, hopefully everyone is. Why bury them otherwise?

    1. I can imagine someone eating late and missing a flight.

  7. 1: Would you cheer for the pier runner or laugh at them? I would chuckle.
    2: Have you ever missed a flight because you were late? No
    3: Have you ever missed the boat? Yes, many times
    4: What is your idea of "on time?" At least 30 minutes early
    5: What is your best "they were late" story? I have a friend who is always late. No matter how much we plan to be on time she just can't seem to get it together. When I travel with her, I always make my own way to airports, restaurants and other places. I hate that tense, rushed feeling.

    1. When we met at the gardens, you were waiting when I arrived.

  8. being early is always better.
