Wednesday, June 26, 2024

My World of Wonders aka The Wednesday Ws June 26 2024


Where have I been this week? Close to home, a walk in the swamp, to the gym, to the pool, Trader Joes, and IKEA, 

What has the weather been like? Hot, near 100 f, and humid.  A float in the pool is about as much as you want to do outside.  

Who have a talked to?  Dear neighbors, my sweet bear, my sister, J's oldest brother, and collaborators on a consulting project.  

Why my sister?  She has been unwell.  

When is the next adventure? We might go to Cleveland in a couple of weeks, the oldest brother is having surgery.  

What have I heard this week?  I was walking along the Potomac River down at the swamp, and could hear the lapping of the water and the chatter of the birds. 

What have I smelled this week?  I had a couple of things bubbled over and burned in the oven, time to run the self clean cycle. 

What have I tasted this week? A cranberry martini. I made a fresh cranberry liqueur last fall, a little of that, a splash of vodka, shaken not stirred.  It has an amazing color. 

What have I seen this week? Lots of small birds - woodpeckers, warblers, cardinals, and swallows. 

What have a felt this week? I spent a few minutes too long in the sun at the pool, so a little tightness in my skin. 

What is the bad joke of the week? I am very glad it is not snowing,  it would be hard shoveling snow in this heat and humidity. 

What about the photos above?  A ballet shop, with shoes and a bar, and reflection in the window of two sweet old men. 


  1. How many pairs of ballet shoes did you buy?

    When I was in Buenos Aires, there was a gorgeous flower shop, and below it, the owner had a swanky bar with proper barmen. And as Spo would say no rubbish.

    1. Tell us more.

    2. Oh I did a post on it when I got back. It on the blog somewhere toots.

  2. You two youngsters must be blocking my view of the sweet old men. I just had a glass of cranberry juice. It would have been even better in a martini. Hope your sister is better soon.

    1. I just had a text from my sister, she is hoping to go home from the hospital today.

  3. Those sweet old men look to me to be of dubious character.

    1. And more character as we get older.

  4. My go-to drink is the Bob-a-rita, a margarita of my own making, with a good Reposado, fresh lime, and Grand Marnier, served chilled and straight up.
    And now I make a twist on it by adding muddled jalapeno slices, Pama liquor and a dash of cranberry juice, strained of the jalapeno and seeds and chilled and served straight up.
    I have dubbed it the Pama-Bob-a-Jalapeno-rita.
    It's a mouthful to say but worth it.

    1. Sounds sweet and spicy, as Spo would say, like your men.

  5. When I was in Oklahoma a week ago, I experienced some of that humidity. It was 97 and 45% humidity when I walked the 5 blocks to the art museum. By the time I got there, I needed a quiet place to sit and cool down. Humidity makes a huge difference.

    1. With the AC on the humidity in our house of about 50%.

  6. Oh, that cranberry martini sounds delightful and what a fun color! Hope your sister feels better soon.

    1. She has surgery to remove a blood clot from an artery in her neck, and is doing well. She should be home soon.
