Wednesday, June 19, 2024

My World of Wonders, aka the Wednesday Ws June 19, 2024

What have I been thinking? What a great life we have lived, reasonably good health, love, comfort, adventures and exploration.  And we should have a few good years left. 

Who have I seen?  I had lunch with the person who replaced me as director the other day, we had dinner last week with the friend whose wedding we are going to on the September road trip. 

Who have I heard from?  I trade daily morning texts with a couple of people, I had a couple of emails from Doc Spo. I traded emails with an old friend in Kentucky, he keeps saying he is going to cash out and retire someday. I hope he does while he can still enjoy life.  I traded emails with my sister-in-law and spoke briefly with Ed. 

What have I read? I finished the book on visiting Islands, and the Wisdom of Sheep.  I am reading a book on closing the generation gap written by a management think tank.  

What did I hear this week? The rattle of the subway trains, trains are seldom quiet, but the DC system seems to have more clunks and rattles than others around the world.  

What have I overheard? Waiting to meet a friend for lunch, the man sitting next to me, talking a younger family member about being in town for the funeral of a family member, uncomfortable questions about if there will be an inheritance.  Two ladies in the pool floating near me, one of them talking about this wonderful weight loss program, the other one asked what happened when she stopped the program, the answer was gained it all back plus 10 pounds. 

What have I smelled this week? Can you smell the green of summer?  It is intense right now, with blooming trees adding sweetness to the sidewalk experience.  

What have a felt this week? The comfort of floating in the pool in dappled sunlight.

What did I taste this week? I am using zucchini (courgettes) as an added ingredient in cooking, and a great cantaloupe melon.    

Who deserves a slap this week? Amazon delivery for showing something as delivered, 24 hours before it was delivered.  3 out of 5 slaps.   

What did I want to say this week (and didn't)?  I was riding up in the elevator, someone asked the young woman next to me how she was doing and she replied, really kind of terrible.  Her husband had moved out and told her he wants a divorce.  I wanted to say, "he wants you to be happy, everyone deserves happiness, and he didn't think he could provide the happiness you deserve, or find happiness for himself."  Unhappy people fear making those they love, unhappy.  



  1. Of course, one can smell the green of summer!!!! For me it's flowers and a combination of freshly cut grass.

  2. Good you didn’t say what you wanted to the woman in the elevator. Good self-control. I didn’t know DC Metro could be a rattletrap. Our commuter rail is a light rail and is unbelievably quiet. But I remember having to stop conversation when a train went overhead in Brooklyn!

  3. I like your imagined reply to lift lady.

    1. I try to reply to every comment

  4. What has irritated me this week? The intrusive ads on the Travel Penguin website. They used to be easy to ignore but now they are slightly inhibiting the reading process. How much money have you made from these blinking things anyway? Is it worth it?

  5. NYC trains are a lot noisier, same for Chicago and the older parts of the Tube.

    1. And the French trains so quiet and smooth.

  6. One of the greatest smells is after I mow the yard and the smell of freshly cut grass stays with me all day.

  7. of the tastes of summer! I like to use it raw in salads or cut it spears and put it on the grill. Such a versatile veggie.

    1. I chopped it up and put it in a marinara sauce.

  8. Floating in a pool in dappled sunlight sounds so delightful!

    1. I am a little pink, I stayed a little too long yesterday.

  9. I got a couple of whiffs of that summer smell while I was in Oklahoma City. It was so green and everything seemed so fresh.

    1. The Valley of the Sun moves past that in a hurry.

  10. It's good to focus on the positive. We hear so many negative things these days.

    1. I try not to let the negative in my life.
