Saturday, May 11, 2024

Relax - It Will All Be Okay

I was reading blogs one Sunday evening, and a friend posted that he had spent Sunday, thinking about a meeting with his boss on Monday. He had no idea what the meeting was about.  I can imagine myself in the same position, my brain racing through the options of praise, or more likely problems, even worst case scenario we have decided we don't need your department any longer.  

What a lousy way to spend your day off. Your day away from work should be your time to relax and enjoy life. He is in the position he is in because he is very good at what he does, and he cares about his work.  It is important to have people who give a damn about their work, but it is also important to protect those people and not burn them out. 

The person who schedule the meeting could have done one of two simple things to ease this experience.  If it is bad news, he could have waited until Monday to schedule the meeting and not screwed with someone's weekend.  If it is good news, he could have said what the meeting was about when he scheduled it, to ease everyone's mind over the weekend.  We worry about the worst case scenario, not about being praised or asked to keep up the good work.  

Most of what we worry about, either already has happened and we can't change it, or never will happen so our worry is wasted.  But we worry about it anyway.  

In the end, most of the time, it will all be okay.  

From April 28th, to about May 12th , I will be on a great adventure and on a digital detox, a couple of weeks without access to the internet. I have been told internet access may be available, but it will be very slow and expensive. So, I am going to try to take a couple of weeks off. I have not been without internet access in a couple of in couple of decades, I hope it goes well.  After that, until about May 30th, I will have intermittent internet access. 

I have scheduled posts to keep you all entertained.  These are not my usual posts, that is either a good thing, or a bad thing, depending on your point of view.  As I have opportunity, I will post updates.  I look forward to reading your comments when I have the opportunity. 

Regular service will resume about the 1st of June, with tales from the adventure.    



  1. That boss sounds like they like the drama, and the power.

  2. That really applies to all worrying. I always worry too much and then regret it when the situation is resolved. Even if I don't like the way the situation turned out, worrying about it only made it worse and dragged out the drama. But it is certainly difficult to stop worrying! Now I am writing about worrying about worrying!?!

    1. I suggest 14 days at sea, without internet.

  3. A thoughtless boss. Or a passive-aggressive one.

    1. Most bosses are not trained to manage, I wasn't.
