Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Sunday Five: Cats

 1: Do you prefer cats or dogs? 

2: Do cats like you? 

3: Have you ever been attacked by a cat?

4: When will cats rule the earth? 

5: Did you have a Garfield with suction cups on the feet stuck to a window at one time? 

My answers: 

1: Do you prefer cats or dogs? Cats are quieter, is that answering without answering. 

2: Do cats like you? Yes. 

3: Have you ever been attacked by a cat? I reached down to pet "Princess" while she was eating, and she climbed up my arm, scratched my face and jumped off the top of my head.  I have been told the attack was provoked. 

4: When will cats rule the earth? You mean they don't? 

5: Did you have a Garfield with suction cups on the feet stuck to a window at one time? Yes, in my first Mazda hatchback.  

Please share your answers in the comments.  


  1. 1. I like dogs, but I LOVE cats.
    2. Yes, cats like me.
    3. Who hasn't been clawed by one of those adorable felines?
    4. Man, they took over centuries ago. Where have you been?
    5. No, I never had a stick-on Garfield but I wanted one.

  2. 1. Grew up with both, like them both.
    2. Cats like me fine. They love Balder. He hates them.
    3. I've been playfully attacked by a cat on several occasions. My late cat, Barnaby used to play leopard and wildebeest with me. He'd hide and jump out at me and then I'd do the same. Nine years of that. I really shouldn't be fat now.
    4. Never. They have more sense.
    5. Nope.

  3. 1: Do you prefer cats or dogs? Love both, but cats are easier for my lifestyle.
    2: Do cats like you? Yes.
    3: Have you ever been attacked by a cat? Scratched, yes, but never attacked.
    4: When will cats rule the earth? Whenever they’re given the chance.
    5: Did you have a Garfield with suction cups on the feet stuck to a window at one time? Nope.

  4. Anonymous5/15/2022

    1. Dogs, but they are more work.
    2. Cats like me as long as I do as they wish.
    3. We had one nasty cat who gave me revenge after she spent a week in a cattery. When she was killed by a car, we did not mourn her too much.
    4. Cats may be good at being fierce and bluster very well, but ultimately they are not a match for dogs.
    5. I think I was too old for Garfield.

  5. 1. We have both. We love both equally
    2. They do. And I them.
    3. A neighbors cat hated me, but she hated everyone, including their owner.
    4. For eons now. And for eons to come.
    5. I like cats. Not Garfield.

    1. Cats have us well trained to serve them

  6. 1: Do you prefer cats or dogs? We have both, I like both, but, keep this under your hat, my favorite creature in the world is the Great Tuxedo.

    2: Do cats like you? They adore me. We stopped in to see some friends once and while sitting in the living room their cat charged at me, jumped in my lap and promptly fell asleep. Our friends said the cat never sits in their laps. I am The Cat Whisperer.

    3: Have you ever been attacked by a cat? Only in good fun.

    4: When will cats rule the earth? Who says they don't now?

    5: Did you have a Garfield with suction cups on the feet stuck to a window at one time? I did not.

    1. You must be a good person, if the cats trust you

  7. Do you prefer cats or dogs? I like both, but I'm more a dog person.

    Do cats like you? Yes! My personality is surprisingly more cat.

    Have you ever been attacked by a cat? Nope

    When will cats rule the earth? I think squirrels will. I have my minions ready by the millions for world domination...Bwahahahahahahaha haaaaaaa ha

    Did you have a Garfield with suction cups on the feet stuck to a window at one time? Hell no!

  8. 1: Do you prefer cats or dogs? I prefer dogs but I love cats too.
    2: Do cats like you? Yes
    3: Have you ever been attacked by a cat? No
    4: When will cats rule the earth? They already do.
    5: Did you have a Garfield with suction cups on the feet stuck to a window at one time? No, I missed that one.

    1. I may be the only one who had Garfield stuck to the window

  9. Do you prefer cats or dogs? I'm a dog person.

    Do cats like you? Yes, and I seem to have more a cat personality myself

    Have you ever been attacked by a cat? No

    When will cats rule the earth? Nope, squirrels. I already have my minions ready for attack by the millions for world domination. Bwhahahahahaha haaaa hha ha.

    Did you have a Garfield with suction cups on the feet stuck to a window at one time? Hell no!

    I already posted by my comment seems to have been eaten.

    1. Let me look in the comment filter,

  10. 1: Do you prefer cats or dogs? depends on the wine list.
    2: Do cats like you? in general yes. I keep on guard.
    3: Have you ever been attacked by a cat? oh yes.
    4: When will cats rule the earth? Not soon enough.
    5: Did you have a Garfield with suction cups on the feet stuck to a window at one time? Poor fellow died an ignominious death by assassination. None on this on my windows.

    1. Someone should do that Garfield on suction cups

  11. 1: Do you prefer cats or dogs? Prefer dogs as a pet, but I love all animals, including cats.

    2: Do cats like you? I think so. The ones I have known and interacted with always seems to enjoy my attention.

    3: Have you ever been attacked by a cat? Just the claws in the lap while they were kneeling me.

    4: When will cats rule the earth? Soon, l I hope. Humans are fucking it up something awful.

    5: Did you have a Garfield with suction cups on the feet stuck to a window at one time? Nope, but I did have the set of 4 Garfield collectible glass mugs you got with Happy Meals at McDonalds.
