Saturday, January 30, 2021

Saturday Morning Post - Dyke Marsh in January

Dyke Marsh National Wildlife Refuge is on Virginia side of the Potomac River, about a mile south of Alexandria, Virginia, about 8 miles south of Washington DC.  Since June it has been where I go almost every morning for a nice long walk.  It is good to get out, to move, to think.  I walk in silence. Sometimes thinking about the work of the day, sometimes the troubles of the world, sometimes just how wonderful it is to be out, and moving. The birds far outnumber the people. I like it that way.  There is a constant din of traffic, you can see the hotels and a casino across the river in Maryland. I take an average of 200 photos a week on my walks, mostly with a 70-200mm lens (on an APSC format DSLR) a few of these were done with a 10-20mm lens, I needed a different perspective one morning. If you are in the area, and up for a morning walk, 9 out of 10 days I see one or more eagles.  

I usually only post one or two photos per day, is this too many photos? 


  1. Anonymous1/30/2021

    The dog and his master are bouncing along nicely.
    That is ice on the branch, I think.
    I am doubtful about your walks when you include yourself sitting in a motor car.
    I would post as many or more photos than you have, but sometimes the focus on a particular photo can be lost and if it is one you really want people to notice.
    Individually I would have also said the water with yachts is almost mirror like and very calming.
    It's a great calming dawn photo.

    1. I drive there and back to walk, it is about a mile as the eagle flies, but about 2.25 miles from home to the marsh, and a couple of steep hills.

  2. Beautiful photos. I love the photo of you in the car! And the happy looking... um... dog. As you know, I often get carried away with photos. What an incredible place to have nearby. I did get confused by the title. I read it first as Dyke March. And I thought Dyke March? In January? Isn't that in June?

  3. I thought Lesbian Parade, at first ......

    1. It is an interesting title, in colonial time farmers built berms or dykes, to drain the water and farm or graze animals in tidal flats of the marsh.

  4. My little bundled bunny! I love your swamp pics and would enjoy as many as you can post.

  5. post as many as you want! and another kyoot widdle penguin sighting! the eagles are most impressive.

    1. I thought it was a good look for me

  6. No, it's not too many photos. I like the jogger and dog! "Action shot!"

  7. Not at all! It looks like you have a very interesting place to walk and enjoy nature. And...get out of the house for a while.

    1. I just returned from my Saturday morning walk, nice woodpeckers this morning.

  8. It is nice to see all this nature; I tend to think 'back East" is wall to wall urban.

  9. Preserving and restoring this slide of nature is your federal tax dollars at work. Without federal money, this would be filled with million dollar condos, a mile down stream, people pay several million dollars for a river front house, so they can tear it down to build a new multi million dollar home.
