Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Way We Were Wednesday

My one and only first cousin, in about 1974, hard to believe he is over 40, and a very big guy.  This was in the living room of the old farm house, when my grandparents lived there.  The black and white console TV was there as long as I could remember.  The bookcase was built over a closed off door, that went out to the front porch when my grandparents bought the farm.  They enclosed part of the front porch installing a bathroom.  After my grandfather died, my grandmother bought a nice house in Florida, she remarked that at age 70, it was the fourth home she had bought, and the first one that had an indoor bathroom (two of them) when she bought it.  My how times have changed.  


  1. and there you and sweet bear are with 2 indoor renovated bathrooms. grandmother would be impressed.

    1. I think she would be happy with two things, how happy we make one another, and our net worth.

  2. Anonymous4/29/2020

    There are no good memories for me of walking down a a steep muddy path to an outside pan toilet.

    1. Only a few times in my childhood, shudder!

  3. Yes, times have changed. I often wonder what my grandparents, my sister, my father, and all those friends and family gone a long time ago would think if they could see how we live now (well, maybe not RIGHT now).

    1. Things have changed a lot in the past 100 years, what do the next 100 hold?

  4. I remember an outdoor toilet that I went to use once while camping. There was a ginormous wood spider on the seat!!!!!! That sucker caused me to use a chamber pot that night. Good thing I was in my early twenties and reasonable fit.

    1. My idea of roughing it is staying at a Holiday Inn.

  5. We had no indoor plumbing until I was 8 years old, so I remember outhouse usage very well. You only have one first cousin? Wow. I have/had 36 of them. I'm sure some are dead by now. I wouldn't recognize most, if not all, of them if I passed them on the street. Not a close family.

    1. My mother was an only child, my father had one sibling, who only had one child. Small family.
