Friday, January 31, 2020


My grandparents born were long before most homes had electric lights, before the Wright Brothers mastered controlled flight.  They lived to watch man walk on the moon.  My parents were born about the time Lindbergh flew the Atlantic, and lived into the era of smartphones and tablet computers.  I was born before portable computers, how far will technology go in my lifetime?  Will I be able to compose blog posts by thinking about them?  Will space tourism become reality?  

And if it does, will be we need stop and restart to get the screens to display properly? 


  1. Anonymous1/31/2020

    Sometimes I think humans could do with a reboot to give them some clarity of thought. What we have seen in our lifetimes has been amazing. What to come? A friend dictates his voluminous emails to a voice recognition programme. He has very little trouble with errors, and I am sure you know the more you use such programmes, the better they become at understanding you. However, he does live alone. I can't imagine R would be impressed if I sat here while he is watching tv and I starting dictating to a mike.

    1. I try not to talk to myself too much, or out loud.

  2. Ok, fixing displays without restarting? That’s light years away.

  3. You lost me at the title, hon :) I can't even master the "simple" act of texting! Fat arthritic fingers and itty bitty keys are so incompatible. My son got a big kick out of me trying to use the voice texting (or whatever it's called). the stupid thing couldn't understand what I was saying and the words it used were hilarious non-words. It is less of a time waster to just call, state your business and hang up.

    1. I held off on glass keyboards until they got larger

  4. I want to live long enough to have robots care for all my needs in senility.

  5. Even myself, I'm a generation X baby and using a phone to read this and reply. However on the flip side, growing up in the country I can remember people finally getting electricity and indoor plumbing. I can also remember older people who didn't want it, they wanted to finish out their days like they had always lived. I think eventually everyone will have electric cars. Many people such as news anchors will actually be computer generated images and not real people. The government will monitor everything about us, gathering vast amounts of data regarding everything thing we eat, where we go, groups we belong to, shopping habits, what we do etc, etc and people will be totally fine with it until it's too late.

    1. I think google and Facebook know more at this point than big brother

  6. I will settle for figuring out how come my stupid laptop doesn't allow me to leave comments.
