Saturday, November 30, 2019


The top image if the cover of my 2019 yearbook.  I was a yearbook geek in High School, mostly photography, though I did a little layout work.  I like the concept of that end of the year collection and look back at what has happened.  

Both Google and Apple offer me services that create books of highlights of my Adventures.  There are also a couple of online publishing services.  I have used Shutterfly 5 or 6 times to create a year end book, or a book about a special adventure. Last year, and this year, are end of the year collections, looking back over what I have done, where I have been.  Some books I print copies of for family members, last year and this year, just one copy.  Something for me to look back on. 

Have you ever had a book printed of your adventures? 


  1. A personal yearbook is a great tradition! I've never made such a book myself, but have friends who have done lovely ones of special occasions, etc.

  2. My daughter-in-law made one of our family camping adventure at the Grand Canyon a few years back. It's lovely. Such a nice gift.

  3. Anonymous11/30/2019

    Very nice photos. No, I haven't done anything like that.

  4. I’ve ever done that, but I love seeing books friends have produced.

  5. You all should try it.

  6. No I have not.
    I would like to get my entire blog printed just to have a paper copy for someone.
